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github repository "economic_groundwater_limits"

Global Economic Limits of Groundwater used for Irrigation

Copyright (c) L.P.H. (Rens) van Beek / Marc F.P. Bierkens 2018-2022

Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

with questions, please contact [email protected]

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

along with this program. If not, see

This repository contains the scripts required to simulate

whether the economical limit to groundwater exploitation is

reached or not, conditional to the fact that the total costs for

exploitation are larger than the revenue.

Included scripts are:

script wrapping around the main script handling the input

and the model settings by means of the configuration file;


an example of the configuration file with wild cards included

that can be used as the basis for the senstivity analysis;

wildcards are identified by "$1 ... $N" with the number corres-

ponding with the position on the command line after the config-

uration file;

the main script, parsing the input, spinning up, and executing

the simulation for the number of years specified.

Included are the following ancillary scripts:

module with additional functions supporting the analysis;

script providing some additional functions supporting the anal-


script that parses the information from the configuration file;

script handling spatial input from different file formats, in-

cluding netCDF files.

to run the script python 3 is required and several packages, including

gdal and pcraster. The necessary packages can be installed via the

yaml file pcraster38.yml included.

To run the model code for the CONUS and surrounding

basins, use the following command line with the settings for the most

likely estimates for the different variables (over multiple lines ""):

python /myhome/economic_limit_irrigation/
"/scratch/fosm_economic_limit/conus_00" "900"
"1.0" "1.0" "0.001" "1.0" "0.0" "1.0" "1.0" "1.0" "0.0" "True"

set up the sensitivity analysis as a test with the following wild cards

python $1 $2 ... $N

$0 : configuration file

$1 : map of the relevant land mask

$2 : output directory

$3 : length of simulation period [years]

$4 : thickness of the unconfined layer [m]

$7 : storativity of the confined layer [m/m]

The following are specific settings for the sensitivity analysis

$5 : changing the thickness of the unconfined layer;

to be decided! either spatially variable or constant.

$6 : muliplicative factor for the porosity, based on the standard deviation of the global

: geological information; symmetric around the mean, spatially variable;

it is additive to the log-transformed mean.

$8 : multiplication factor for the producer prices: applies to the following crops

PriceWheat; PriceMaize; PriceRice; PriceBarley; PriceRye; PriceMillet;

PriceSorghum; PriceSoybeans; PriceSunflower; PricePotatoes; PriceCassava;

PriceSugarCane; PriceSugarbeet; PriceOilpalm; PriceRapeseed; PriceGoundnuts;

PricePulses; PriceCitrus; PriceDatepalm; PriceGrapes; PriceCotton; PriceCocoa;

PriceCoffee; PriceOthersPerennial; PriceFodderGrasses

Note: not all crops may be included; currently others_perennial,

managed_grassland_or_pasture, and others_annual are excluded.

Uniform multiplication factor, symmetric around the mean and is applied

equally to all crops.

$9 : addition to the discount rate and interest rate:

DiscountRate[%]; InterestRateInvestment[%]

addition is uniform but asymmetric and applied to the mean.

$10 : pre-multiplier for the electricity costs: CostElectricity[$/kwh]

Uniform multiplication factor, symmetric around the mean.

$11 : pre-multiplier for the labour costs: CostLabour[$/m]

Uniform multiplication factor, symmetric around the mean.

$12 : pre-multiplier for the material costs:

CostMaterials[$/m]; CostPumpStart[$/piece]; CostPumpKW[$/kW]; CostIrrigationSurface [$/m2]; CostIrrigationSprinkler [$/m2]; CostIrrigationDrip [$/m2]

Uniform multiplication factor, symmetric around the mean.

$13 : additional change on the pumping efficiency: PumpingEfficiency[-]

addition is uniform and symmetric around the mean.

$14 : boolean variable, if True, additional output files are generated.

end of


Global Economic Limits of Groundwater used for Irrigation







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