Hello, I am trying to overlay a line onto a plot, for example a segment of the trajectory of this year's solar eclipse on contour plots. The first attempt was with PlotGeometry, but I don't understand how the points of the line get geocoded, or how the CRS is specified. gLine = geodL.inv_intermediate(start[1], start[0], end[1], end[0], step, return_back_azimuth=True)
lineShape = LineString(list(zip(gLine.lons, gLine.lats)))
linePlt = metpy.plots.PlotGeometry()
linePlt.geometry = lineShape This fails with The second attempt was using PlotVector, but I couldn't get this to work: lineValue = [0 for x in range(len(gLine.lons))] # filler data, for debug
lineStationIDs = [x for x in range(len(gLine.lons))] # filler data, for debug
lineDF = pd.DataFrame({ 'stid' : lineStationIDs, 'data' : lineValue, 'longitude' : gLine.lons, 'latitude' : gLine.lats })
lineDA = lineDF.to_xarray()
lineDA = lineDA.assign_attrs({ 'time' : dsTime })
lineDA = lineDA.assign_attrs({ 'name' : 'Houston to Cleveland' })
lineDA = lineDA.set_coords(['longitude','latitude'])
lineDA['longitude'] = units.degrees_east * lineDA['longitude']
lineDA['latitude'] = units.degrees_north * lineDA['latitude']
lineDA = lineDA.metpy.assign_crs(
grid_mapping_name = proj
linePlt = metpy.plots.PlotVector()
linePlt.data = lineDA
linePlt.color = 'y'
linePlt.fill = 'y'
linePlt.marker = '.-' This results with Do I need to merge all of the desired data into a single dataset? If so, how? Setup:
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Edited to include the line |
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Here is the full code for context: import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import metpy
from metpy.units import units
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
from metpy.plots.declarative import (BarbPlot, ContourPlot,
FilledContourPlot, MapPanel,
PanelContainer, PlotObs)
from metpy.interpolate import cross_section
from shapely.geometry import LineString
# Create the dataset
filePath = 'C:\\temp\\gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p25.f004'
ds = xr.open_dataset(filePath, engine='cfgrib',filter_by_keys={'typeOfLevel': 'isobaricInhPa'})
ds = ds.metpy.parse_cf().squeeze()
ds = ds.metpy.sel(latitude=slice(70, 10), longitude=slice(360 - 150, 360 - 55)) # focus on CONUS only
dsTime = dtime.astype('datetime64[us]').tolist() # convert to Python datetime
# Set units
ds['t'] = units('kelvin')*ds['t']
ds['r'] = units('percent')*ds['r']
ds['gh'] = units('m^2/s^2')*ds['gh']
# Select param to plot
param = 't'
paramRange = (200,330,20)
paramUnits = str(ds[param].metpy.units)
levelhPa = 900
colorMap = 'BuPu'
# Create a line (non-CF data)
start = (29.762778, -95.383056) # Houston
end = (41.482222, -81.669722) # Cleveland
# get projection and get points along line between start and end
if ds[param].metpy.cartopy_crs.name == 'unknown':
proj = ccrs.PlateCarree()
proj = ds[param].metpy.cartopy_crs
geodL = proj.get_geod()
step = 20
gLine = geodL.inv_intermediate(start[1], start[0], end[1], end[0], step, return_back_azimuth=True)
# Verify path with Matplotlib
axL = plt.axes(projection=proj)
axL.set_extent([-125, -74,20, 55], proj)
axL.plot(gLine.lons, gLine.lats, '.-', color='yellow', linewidth=1.5, markersize=3)
plt.show() # it works!
# Attempt 1
# using Shapely LineString
lineShape = LineString(list(zip(gLine.lons, gLine.lats)))
linePlt = metpy.plots.PlotGeometry()
# How is the data geocoded? How is CRS specified?
# Following line fails with traitlets.traitlets.TraitError: The 'geometry' trait of a PlotGeometry instance expected an Iterable, not the LineString <LINESTRING (...
##linePlt.geometry = lineShape
# Attempt 2
# Create line dataset - easiest way is to create a DataFrame and convert it to a DataArray
lineValue = [0 for x in range(len(gLine.lons))] # filler data, for debug
lineStationIDs = [x for x in range(len(gLine.lons))] # filler data, for debug
lineDF = pd.DataFrame({ 'stid' : lineStationIDs, 'data' : lineValue, 'longitude' : gLine.lons, 'latitude' : gLine.lats })
lineDA = lineDF.to_xarray()
lineDA = lineDA.assign_attrs({ 'time' : dsTime })
lineDA = lineDA.assign_attrs({ 'name' : 'Houston to Cleveland' })
lineDA = lineDA.set_coords(['longitude','latitude'])
lineDA['longitude'] = units.degrees_east * lineDA['longitude']
lineDA['latitude'] = units.degrees_north * lineDA['latitude']
lineDA = lineDA.metpy.assign_crs(
grid_mapping_name = proj
linePlt = metpy.plots.PlotVector() # end result: AttributeError: 'PlotVector' object has no attribute '_build'
linePlt.data = lineDA
linePlt.color = 'y'
linePlt.fill = 'y'
linePlt.marker = '.-'
# Define contours
cntr2 = ContourPlot()
cntr2.data = ds
cntr2.field = param
cntr2.level = levelhPa * units.hPa
cntr2.contours = list(range(paramRange[0],paramRange[1],paramRange[2]))
cntr2.linecolor = 'black'
cntr2.linestyle = 'solid'
cntr2.clabels = True
# Fill contours
cfill = FilledContourPlot()
cfill.data = ds
cfill.field = param
cfill.level = levelhPa * units.hPa
cfill.contours = list(range(paramRange[0],paramRange[1],paramRange[2]))
cfill.colormap = colorMap
cfill.colorbar = 'horizontal'
cfill.plot_units = paramUnits
# Create panel for CONUS
panel = MapPanel()
panel.area = [-125, -74, 20, 55] # CONUS
panel.projection = 'lcc'
panel.layers = ['states', 'coastline', 'borders']
panel.title = f'{cfill.level.m} hPa {param} ({paramUnits}) at {dsTime}'
print('DEBUG: got this far...')
panel.plots = [cfill, cntr2, linePlt]
pc = PanelContainer()
pc.size = (15,15)
pc.panels = [panel]
pc.show() |
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The error in the code above is that geometry should be specified as a list. The geometry attribute is expecting a collection of shapes. linePlt.geometry = [lineShape] |
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The error in the code above is that geometry should be specified as a list. The geometry attribute is expecting a collection of shapes.
The fix is simple: