If you have any trouble following the guide. Please send us a message in Discord we are more than happy to help you out!
- GIT installed in your system
- GIT LFS installed in your system
- SteamCMD installed in your system
- Broadband internet connection
- Router with the ability to port forward
- Min. 2 GB RAM
.pak files are large and we need to install Git Lfs in order to download them
Run the following commands:
apt update
apt install git-lfs
The Steam server browser needs steamsdk and for this we need to install SteamCMD
cd ~/
Makes sure we are in the home directorymkdir steamcmd
Makes SteamCMD directorycd steamcmd
Goes to the SteamCMD directoryapt install lib32stdc++6
Install lib32stdwget https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
Downloads SteamCMD Tar File.tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
Extracts SteamCMD./steamcmd.sh
Runs the Steam CMD Shell
Steam CMD will install updates automatically but we need to login to install 64bit sdk.
Wait for the Steam>
to appear and then you type following commands:
login anonymous
app_update 1007
We still need to move the sdk to default location where the server tries to
cd ~/.steam
Go to the steam foldermkdir sdk64
Create folder for the sdkmv ~/steamcmd/linux64/steamclient.so ~/.steam/sdk64/
Move the steamclient.so from SteamCmd to .steam/sdk64 folder
After this we want to make sure we are in home directory
cd ~/
Then we can clone the Linux repository
git clone https://github.com/Uuvana-Studios/longvinter-linux-server.git
Then we want to give permission for this folder to execute commands with
sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx longvinter-linux-server/
After this we can open the required ports by executing the shell script inside the repository
-bash longvinter-linux-server/network-ports.sh
Server values can be customized with Game.ini
Create the file for edit with
nano ~/longvinter-linux-server/Longvinter/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/Game.ini
Add the following content there
ServerName=Unnamed Island
ServerMOTD=Welcome to Longvinter Island!
- ServerName: Name that shows up in the server browser. Please don't call your server with OFFICIAL name. We want players to clearly know if they are joining a server that is hosted by other players.
- ServerMOTD: Server message that is on a signs around the island.
- MaxPlayer: Maximum allowed players that can connect at any given time.
- CommunityWebsite: Allows you to promote a website on a same place where the server message is shown. This link can be opened in-game.
- Password: Add you password here. Use only number and letters. If left empty there is no password on the server.
- AdminSteamID: Here you can add all the admins that you want to have in the server. If you want to add multiple separate id's with single space.
- AdminSteamID=76561198965966997 11859676569976596
Start the server with shell script
sh ~/longvinter-linux-server/LongvinterServer.sh
If the console shows these lines at the bottom after startup your server has started corretly
[2022.02.22-12.51.34:514][ 13]LogOnline: Verbose: STEAM: FOnlineAsyncEventSteamServerConnectedGS ServerId: Server[0x1404CD1FF72E008]
[2022.02.22-12.51.34:782][ 21]LogOnline: Verbose: STEAM: FOnlineAsyncEventSteamServerPolicyResponseGS Secure: 1
[2022.02.22-12.51.34:849][ 23]LogOnline: Verbose: OSS: Async task 'FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamCreateServer bWasSuccessful: 1' succeeded in 2.828243 seconds
[2022.02.22-12.51.34:849][ 23]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Server setting ,TOTPLAYING_s:0 overflows Steam SetGameTags call
[2022.02.22-12.51.34:849][ 23]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Server setting ,ServerName_s:[EU] Uuvana 1 overflows Steam SetGameTags call
I have created an automated script that you can run to automatically update and restart a server.
Make sure you have nohup installed on your system.
bash ~/longvinter-linux-server/server-autorun.sh