- With "Alvis" we aim to ease the transition to Linux for users who don't have any experience with Unix shells.
- Alvis is a shell interpreter which provides a command line interface between the user and the operating system, which in turn allows the user to run commands, manage jobs and automate processes.
- In addition to these we have integrated a module for visualization involving scheduling algorithms related to Operating Systems like Round Robin, Shortest Job First etc. (The users have an option to create their own scheduling algorithm which enhances their learning experience), paging techniques like One level Paging, Two level Paging, various memory management techniques like first fit, best fit etc., visualization of page replacement techniques have also been added.
- The visualization module mainly aims to provide a deeper view of the execution of algorithms. This enables the students to use our shell as a learning tool to understand the inner working of algorithms.
- To assist inexperienced users, we have a separate mode in which we automatically translate simple English sentences to UNIX commands for instance "please open MLH.cpp" translates to "cat MLH.cpp" we display the correct commands and help users to pick up the UNIX commands quickly.