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rendervulkan: Move CVulkanDevice to header
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misyltoad committed Sep 14, 2023
1 parent 63fb573 commit 191a85d
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Showing 2 changed files with 311 additions and 304 deletions.
305 changes: 1 addition & 304 deletions src/rendervulkan.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -91,138 +91,9 @@ VKAPI_ATTR PFN_vkVoidFunction VKAPI_CALL vkGetInstanceProcAddr(

uint32_t g_uCompositeDebug = 0u;

struct VulkanOutput_t
VkSurfaceKHR surface;
VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR surfaceCaps;
std::vector< VkSurfaceFormatKHR > surfaceFormats;
std::vector< VkPresentModeKHR > presentModes;

VkSwapchainKHR swapChain;
VkFence acquireFence;

uint32_t nOutImage; // swapchain index in nested mode, or ping/pong between two RTs
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CVulkanTexture>> outputImages;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CVulkanTexture>> outputImagesPartialOverlay;

VkFormat outputFormat = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED;
VkFormat outputFormatOverlay = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED;

std::array<std::shared_ptr<CVulkanTexture>, 8> pScreenshotImages;

// NIS and FSR
std::shared_ptr<CVulkanTexture> tmpOutput;

// NIS
std::shared_ptr<CVulkanTexture> nisScalerImage;
std::shared_ptr<CVulkanTexture> nisUsmImage;

enum ShaderType {


VulkanOutput_t g_output;

struct SamplerState
bool bNearest : 1;
bool bUnnormalized : 1;

SamplerState( void )
bNearest = false;
bUnnormalized = false;

bool operator==( const SamplerState& other ) const
return this->bNearest == other.bNearest
&& this->bUnnormalized == other.bUnnormalized;

namespace std
template <>
struct hash<SamplerState>
size_t operator()( const SamplerState& k ) const
return k.bNearest | (k.bUnnormalized << 1);

struct PipelineInfo_t
ShaderType shaderType;

uint32_t layerCount;
uint32_t ycbcrMask;
uint32_t blurLayerCount;

uint32_t compositeDebug;

uint32_t colorspaceMask;
uint32_t outputEOTF;
bool itmEnable;

bool operator==(const PipelineInfo_t& o) const {
shaderType == o.shaderType &&
layerCount == o.layerCount &&
ycbcrMask == o.ycbcrMask &&
blurLayerCount == o.blurLayerCount &&
compositeDebug == o.compositeDebug &&
colorspaceMask == o.colorspaceMask &&
outputEOTF == o.outputEOTF &&
itmEnable == o.itmEnable;

static inline uint32_t hash_combine(uint32_t old_hash, uint32_t new_hash) {
return old_hash ^ (new_hash + 0x9e3779b9 + (old_hash << 6) + (old_hash >> 2));

namespace std
template <>
struct hash<PipelineInfo_t>
size_t operator()( const PipelineInfo_t& k ) const
uint32_t hash = k.shaderType;
hash = hash_combine(hash, k.layerCount);
hash = hash_combine(hash, k.ycbcrMask);
hash = hash_combine(hash, k.blurLayerCount);
hash = hash_combine(hash, k.compositeDebug);
hash = hash_combine(hash, k.colorspaceMask);
hash = hash_combine(hash, k.outputEOTF);
hash = hash_combine(hash, k.itmEnable);
return hash;

static uint32_t div_roundup(uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
return (x + (y - 1)) / y;
uint32_t g_uCompositeDebug = 0u;

static std::map< VkFormat, std::map< uint64_t, VkDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT > > DRMModifierProps = {};
static std::vector< uint32_t > sampledShmFormats{};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,180 +293,6 @@ class CVulkanCmdBuffer
std::array<CVulkanTexture *, VKR_LUT3D_COUNT> m_lut3D;

VK_FUNC(CreateDevice) \
VK_FUNC(EnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties) \
VK_FUNC(EnumeratePhysicalDevices) \
VK_FUNC(GetDeviceProcAddr) \
VK_FUNC(GetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2) \
VK_FUNC(GetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties) \
VK_FUNC(GetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2) \
VK_FUNC(GetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2) \
VK_FUNC(GetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties) \
VK_FUNC(GetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties) \
VK_FUNC(GetPhysicalDeviceProperties) \
VK_FUNC(GetPhysicalDeviceProperties2) \
VK_FUNC(GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR) \
VK_FUNC(GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR) \
VK_FUNC(GetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR) \

VK_FUNC(AllocateCommandBuffers) \
VK_FUNC(AllocateDescriptorSets) \
VK_FUNC(AllocateMemory) \
VK_FUNC(AcquireNextImageKHR) \
VK_FUNC(BeginCommandBuffer) \
VK_FUNC(BindBufferMemory) \
VK_FUNC(BindImageMemory) \
VK_FUNC(CreateBuffer) \
VK_FUNC(CreateCommandPool) \
VK_FUNC(CreateComputePipelines) \
VK_FUNC(CreateDescriptorPool) \
VK_FUNC(CreateDescriptorSetLayout) \
VK_FUNC(CreateFence) \
VK_FUNC(CreateImage) \
VK_FUNC(CreateImageView) \
VK_FUNC(CreatePipelineLayout) \
VK_FUNC(CreateSampler) \
VK_FUNC(CreateSamplerYcbcrConversion) \
VK_FUNC(CreateSemaphore) \
VK_FUNC(CreateShaderModule) \
VK_FUNC(CreateSwapchainKHR) \
VK_FUNC(CmdBindDescriptorSets) \
VK_FUNC(CmdBindPipeline) \
VK_FUNC(CmdCopyBufferToImage) \
VK_FUNC(CmdCopyImage) \
VK_FUNC(CmdDispatch) \
VK_FUNC(CmdPipelineBarrier) \
VK_FUNC(CmdPushConstants) \
VK_FUNC(DestroyBuffer) \
VK_FUNC(DestroyImage) \
VK_FUNC(DestroyImageView) \
VK_FUNC(DestroyPipeline) \
VK_FUNC(DestroySwapchainKHR) \
VK_FUNC(EndCommandBuffer) \
VK_FUNC(FreeCommandBuffers) \
VK_FUNC(FreeMemory) \
VK_FUNC(GetBufferMemoryRequirements) \
VK_FUNC(GetDeviceQueue) \
VK_FUNC(GetImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT) \
VK_FUNC(GetImageMemoryRequirements) \
VK_FUNC(GetImageSubresourceLayout) \
VK_FUNC(GetMemoryFdKHR) \
VK_FUNC(GetSemaphoreCounterValue) \
VK_FUNC(GetSwapchainImagesKHR) \
VK_FUNC(MapMemory) \
VK_FUNC(QueuePresentKHR) \
VK_FUNC(QueueSubmit) \
VK_FUNC(ResetCommandBuffer) \
VK_FUNC(ResetFences) \
VK_FUNC(UnmapMemory) \
VK_FUNC(UpdateDescriptorSets) \
VK_FUNC(WaitForFences) \

class CVulkanDevice
bool BInit(VkInstance instance, VkSurfaceKHR surface);

VkSampler sampler(SamplerState key);
VkPipeline pipeline(ShaderType type, uint32_t layerCount = 1, uint32_t ycbcrMask = 0, uint32_t blur_layers = 0, uint32_t colorspace_mask = 0, uint32_t output_eotf = EOTF_Gamma22, bool itm_enable = false);
int32_t findMemoryType( VkMemoryPropertyFlags properties, uint32_t requiredTypeBits );
std::unique_ptr<CVulkanCmdBuffer> commandBuffer();
uint64_t submit( std::unique_ptr<CVulkanCmdBuffer> cmdBuf);
void wait(uint64_t sequence, bool reset = true);
void waitIdle();
void garbageCollect();
inline VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet()
VkDescriptorSet ret = m_descriptorSets[m_currentDescriptorSet];
m_currentDescriptorSet = (m_currentDescriptorSet + 1) % m_descriptorSets.size();
return ret;

inline VkDevice device() { return m_device; }
inline VkPhysicalDevice physDev() {return m_physDev; }
inline VkInstance instance() { return m_instance; }
inline VkQueue queue() {return m_queue;}
inline VkCommandPool commandPool() {return m_commandPool;}
inline uint32_t queueFamily() {return m_queueFamily;}
inline VkBuffer uploadBuffer() {return m_uploadBuffer;}
inline VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout() {return m_pipelineLayout;}
inline void *uploadBufferData() {return m_uploadBufferData;}
inline int drmRenderFd() {return m_drmRendererFd;}
inline bool supportsModifiers() {return m_bSupportsModifiers;}
inline bool hasDrmPrimaryDevId() {return m_bHasDrmPrimaryDevId;}
inline dev_t primaryDevId() {return m_drmPrimaryDevId;}
inline bool supportsFp16() {return m_bSupportsFp16;}

#define VK_FUNC(x) PFN_vk##x x = nullptr;
} vk;
#undef VK_FUNC

void resetCmdBuffers(uint64_t sequence);

bool selectPhysDev(VkSurfaceKHR surface);
bool createDevice();
bool createLayouts();
bool createPools();
bool createShaders();
bool createScratchResources();
VkPipeline compilePipeline(uint32_t layerCount, uint32_t ycbcrMask, ShaderType type, uint32_t blur_layer_count, uint32_t composite_debug, uint32_t colorspace_mask, uint32_t output_eotf, bool itm_enable);
void compileAllPipelines();

VkDevice m_device = nullptr;
VkPhysicalDevice m_physDev = nullptr;
VkInstance m_instance = nullptr;
VkQueue m_queue = nullptr;
VkSamplerYcbcrConversion m_ycbcrConversion = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkSampler m_ycbcrSampler = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkDescriptorSetLayout m_descriptorSetLayout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkPipelineLayout m_pipelineLayout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkDescriptorPool m_descriptorPool = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkCommandPool m_commandPool = VK_NULL_HANDLE;

uint32_t m_queueFamily = -1;

int m_drmRendererFd = -1;
dev_t m_drmPrimaryDevId = 0;

bool m_bSupportsFp16 = false;
bool m_bHasDrmPrimaryDevId = false;
bool m_bSupportsModifiers = false;
bool m_bInitialized = false;

VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties m_memoryProperties;

std::unordered_map< SamplerState, VkSampler > m_samplerCache;
std::array<VkShaderModule, SHADER_TYPE_COUNT> m_shaderModules;
std::unordered_map<PipelineInfo_t, VkPipeline> m_pipelineMap;
std::mutex m_pipelineMutex;

// currently just one set, no need to double buffer because we
// vkQueueWaitIdle after each submit.
// should be moved to the output if we are going to support multiple outputs
std::array<VkDescriptorSet, 3> m_descriptorSets;
uint32_t m_currentDescriptorSet = 0;

VkBuffer m_uploadBuffer;
VkDeviceMemory m_uploadBufferMemory;
void *m_uploadBufferData;

VkSemaphore m_scratchTimelineSemaphore;
std::atomic<uint64_t> m_submissionSeqNo = { 0 };
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CVulkanCmdBuffer>> m_unusedCmdBufs;
std::map<uint64_t, std::unique_ptr<CVulkanCmdBuffer>> m_pendingCmdBufs;

bool CVulkanDevice::BInit(VkInstance instance, VkSurfaceKHR surface)
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