- 使用AES加密。
- 使用P2P模式,有服务器中转模式作为替代
- 服务器为linux,客户端和主机均支持linux和macos。
- 支持直接选取文件上传和下载。
- 一台有公网ip的linux服务器作为Server(也可以是内网ip,只要其余两台机器都能主动访问到它);
- 两台linux或macos机器,用于控制(作为Client)和被控制(作为Host),做实验的话一台也可,即自己控制自己。 (如果你只对伪终端感兴趣或者只想做实验,甚至可以三合一,只用一台机器既当Server又当Host又当Client,注意此时只能用linux机器。)
- 上述机器上都要安装libgcrypt库(版本>=1.5.3),我们使用这个来进行AES加密
brew update
brew install libgcrypt
wget http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/os/x86_64/Packages/libgcrypt-devel-1.5.3-14.el7.x86_64.rpm
rpm -ivh libgcrypt-devel-1.5.3-14.el7.x86_64.rpm
ubuntu :
apt-get update
apt-get install libgcrypt-dev
1、在上级目录../建立../build目录作为build目录。 2、建立~/conf/目录(在你的home目录下)作为配置文件目录并将Raven.conf复制过去,后续只能在这个文件夹修改conf,重启程序即可生效。 3、建立~/RavenTrans目录,用于存放上传/下载的文件以及IPC的socket。
- 在server上执行TestRavenServer,在host上执行TestRavenHost,在client上执行TestRaClient。顺利的话client能够通过server连接到Host的shell上。
- 下载文件:client连接上host的shell后,执行TestFileTransfer [文件名],选择一个socket回车(这里是当前host的本地socket),然后文件会被下载到client机器~/RavenTrans目录下(利用当前的加密传输连接)。
- 上传文件:client连接上host的shell后,在client机器上另外开一个shell,执行TestFileTransfer [文件名],选择一个socket回车(这里是当前client的本地socket),然后文件会被上传到client机器~/RavenTrans目录下(利用当前的加密传输连接)。
Raven works like a simplified SSH with NAT traversal,written in C++.
- AES encryption.
- Use server as mid transprot.
- Server is linux only,host and client can be run in both linux and macos.
- Upload and download file in a visual way(compared with ssh).
You need:
- A linux instance with public IPV4 IP.
- Tow instances with macos or linux.
- Install libgcrypt(version>=1.5.3) in all instances above.
libgcrypt installation:
for macos:
brew update
brew install libgcrypt
for centos:
wget http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/os/x86_64/Packages/libgcrypt-devel-1.5.3-14.el7.x86_64.rpm
rpm -ivh libgcrypt-devel-1.5.3-14.el7.x86_64.rpm
for ubuntu :
apt-get update
apt-get install libgcrypt-dev
If you can not find libgcrypt please update or replace your sources.
After installation ,your program should find gcrypt.h
Download or pull Raven and enter the directory.Open Raven.conf and modify server_ip to your server ip,all the others can be stay the same.But I recommend you rebuild these 16 bytes string : identify_key、aes_key_to_peer、aes_key_to_server.Then save all.Some variables like log_path is not used yet so leave them aside。
You should do the above operations in all three instances and ensure that their Raven.conf is the same copy.Then excute ./build.sh in each directory to begin complile.The script will creat several directories and generate links in /usr/local/bin which point to executable files. Directories will be created:
1、In parent directory creat ../build/ as build directory. 2、Creat ~/conf/ as configure directory and copy Raven.conf to here.Then you can only modify this Raven.conf.Restart the program to make the modifying work. 3、Creat ~/RavenTrans to store upload/download files and IPC sockets.
- In server excute TestRavenServer.In host excute TestRavenHost.In client excute TestRaClient.Client should connect to host's shell through server.
- Download file: After client connected to host, execute TestFileTransfer [filename] and then select one socket(host's local server socket) and press enter.Then the file will be downloaded to client's ~/RavenTrans/(use the very connection between client and host).
- Upload file :After client connected to host,open another shell in client and execute TestFileTransfer [filename] and then select one socket(client's local server socket) and press enter.Then the file will be upload to host's ~/RavenTrans/(use the very connection between client and host).
The former version was my bad work,please forget it. :-)