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  Coraza WAF - Ratelimit Plugin


Ratelimit Plugin for Coraza Web Application Firewall, aims to protect against brute Force attacks, DOS, DDOS attacks and prevent your servers from resource exhaustion. The plugin supports rate limitation on distributed servers as well. This plugin is a part of GSoC 2023 project under the mentorship of José Carlos Chávez.


Add the plugin module to your application

  go get


Import the plugin

import (
	_ "" // registers the plugin

Start a basic Coraza WAF Server.

Refer here to know more about starting Coraza WAF server.

func main() {
 // First we initialize our waf and our seclang parser
 waf, err := coraza.NewWAF(coraza.NewWAFConfig().
 // Now we parse our rules
 if err != nil {

 // Then we create a transaction and assign some variables
    tx := waf.NewTransaction()
 defer func() {
 tx.ProcessConnection("", 8080, "", 12345)

 // Finally we process the request headers phase, which may return an interruption
 if it := tx.ProcessRequestHeaders(); it != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Transaction was interrupted with status %d\n", it.Status)

Manipulate Seclang configuration inside './default.conf'

1. Configuration for Single Zone Ratelimit implementation

SecRule ARGS:id "@eq 1" "id:1, ratelimit:zone[]=%{}&events=200&window=1, pass, status:200"

Above configuration allows 200 requests(events=200), per second(window=1), per different host ( zone[]=%{} ). Once the requests are exhausted the requests will be denied with status 429 by default, See reference for customizations.

2. Configuration for Multizone Zone Ratelimit implementation

SecRule ARGS:id "@eq 1" "id:1, ratelimit:zone[]=%{}&zone[]=%{REQUEST_HEADERS.authorization}&events=200&window=1, pass, status:200"

Above configuration allows 200 requests, per second, per different zone ( zone[]=%{}&zone[]=%{REQUEST_HEADERS.authorization} ).
Zones work in OR manner i.e if 200 requests have been received with same authorization header value but from 2 different host ( 100 from HOST A, 100 from HOST B ) then ratelimit should fail according to our cap of 200 requests, however HOST A and HOST B still have 100 requests remaining therefore requests won't be rate limited.

3. Configuration for Distributed Ratelimit implementation

SecRule ARGS:id "@eq 1" "id:1, ratelimit:zone[]=%{REQUEST_HEADERS.authorization}&events=200&window=1&distribute_interval=5, pass, status:200"

You can enable distributed ratelimit accross different instances of your application.

  • You must have same ratelimit configuration throughout the different servers.
  • Your application must have a value set for environment variable coraza_ratelimit_key. Example os.Setenv("coraza_ratelimit_key", "my_unique_key"). It is because instances with same unique key are synced together. In order to promote the uniqueness of your key, we have set following conditions. The key must have
  • minimum 1 letter
  • minimum 1 number
  • minimum 16 and maximum 30 alphanumeric characters

API Reference

Checkout all the options available for ratelimit configuration

  SecRule ARGS:id "@eq 1" "id:1, ratelimit:zone[]=%{REQUEST_HEADERS.authorization}&events=5&window=6&interval=10&action=deny&status=403&distribute_interval=5, pass, status:200"
Parameter Type Value Description
zone[] string Required This can be either a macro for dynamic ratelimit application or a fixed string.
events integer Required Number of requests allowed in specified window. 1 event= 1 request
window integer Required Window in seconds in which max requests are allowed. Value should be greater than 0.
interval integer Optional (default: 5) Time interval in seconds after which memory cleaning is attempted.
action enum Optional (default: 'drop') Action to execute when ratelimit has been exceeded. Action is one of 'deny','drop' or 'redirect'.
status integer Optional (default: 429) HTTP Response status to be sent along with action when ratelimit has been reached.
distribute_interval integer Optional Following field enables distributed ratelimit and syncs among the instances every given interval. By default it is not set (hence off). It uses the environment value for the field coraza_ratelimit_key.

Failing to follow any of the above reference will result in an error ( which are very easily understandable ) while parsing the SecRule.


You can find an example implementation here.

Recommendations and mistakes to avoid

  • Understanding and knowing all the macros will be highly helpful for setting up dynamic rate limit based upon request data (headers, request body, args and etc).
  • If you want to completely restrict access to a route for matching rule, set events=0.
  • The application stores the events in memory and uses interval value for memory cleaning. It is recommended to neither set the value too high (60 seconds) nor too low (5 second as it will be overkill). Its value highly depends upon the kind of traffic you are dealing with. Also it is advised to keep interval value more than window, as if window is 10 seconds and interval is 5 seconds there will be nothing to clean from memory 2 times.
  • Before you enforce rate limiting, you can have a period of observation and look at the max RPS of your different customer profiles. You might then typically set the rate limits at some reasonable margin higher than that max, assuming that any meaningful spike beyond this is probably not intentional.
  • When using distributed mode, it is possible that instance might receive 2-3% of max requests than intended. This is because we don't stop processing incoming requests while the instance is syncing with redis. The downside to this approach is your backend may receive a little more traffic than was strictly defined, however distributed ratelimit will be eventually consistent. In most cases, this is probably the right call to offer the best experience for your API overall.

Under the hood


This article briefly explains the common rate limiting algorithms. The most optimized one is sliding window and the same is implemented in the plugin. The events occured are stored as a counter at that timestamp. These counters are aggregated when a new event occurs to check whether to allow or deny. There is a memory cleaning go routine which runs every interval to remove the events which are beyond the window in consideration.

Distributed Ratelimit

Suppose you have 10 instances spread around the world on different regions of the world and you want to sync their ratelimit, then you must have same ratelimit configuration in all those 10 instances and should have an env set with keyname coraza_ratelimit_key. This value has few checks. The key must have

  • minimum 1 letter
  • minimum 1 number
  • minimum 16 and maximum 30 alphanumeric characters.

This is done to promote the uniqueness of your ratelimit key. If it is small it might match with other implementors and cause confusion while syncing of instances, or a potential attacker might meddle with the data in redis if he finds out your key. Instances with same unique key are synced together. Whenever an instance starts it fetches the current events from Redis to have initial events ready. While one instance is syncing with redis, a lock is acquired for that key:value pair in redis so as to avoid the RW problems and is released once the syncing is done.


According to syncing flow there is a go routine that syncs every distribute_inteval . This sync involves 1) obtaining a lock on a key:value pair on Redis, 2) fetching from Redis, updating in memory data of events, 3) setting in the database, 4) and releasing of lock. Basically 4 interactions of DB in 1 sync cycle.

  • With Redis running on the local machine. Each database interaction took almost 1.5-2ms, causing an average of 8ms of lock equipment on key:value pair of Redis.
  • With Redis running on a docker container inside an EC2 instance in eu-west-2 region and requests were from ap-south-1 region took approx 150ms (requests were made from India), causing avg 600ms (150ms * 4) of lock equipment.
  • This benchmark is subject to the internet connection which was used while running benchmarks, also this will be reduced as when the redis will be deployed in multiple regions.
  • Suppose sync cycle of 2 of your instance say A and B have been synced together,i.e A and B instances start syncing at same time but both can't sync together so one of them will have to wait, in this scenario the other instance might experience a delay in sync with redis, as lock will be occupied by one of the instance while other will have to wait until the lock is released. However this won't effect the normal in memory functionality of the ratelimit. This is where events might rise a little more than the safe limit.


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