Penhouse is a comprehensive blogging platform that revolutionizes the way people engage with written content. With Penhouse, users can seamlessly read and post blogs while enjoying a range of powerful features. These include the ability to follow other users, express appreciation through post likes, track views for valuable analytics insights, bookmark articles as favorites, and actively participate in the community through comments and ratings for both authors and articles.
- Django
- Django Rest Framework (DRF)
- Celery
- Flower
- Docker
- Redis
- Nginx
- Proxy Managers
- RabbitMQ
- Haystack & Whoosh
- Portainer
- React & Redux-toolkit
Before you can run the project, you need to have the following installed on your machine:
- Docker
- Docker Compose
Clone the repository and cd into the project directory:
git clone
cd penHouse
Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following environment variables:
replace the data in .envs/.local with your environment variables
Also, replace your-secret-key with a random string that you choose as your secret key.
Run the command below to build the containers:
make build
To shutdown the containers run:
make down
To spin them up again:
make up
You can check the logs if all the containers are running well with this command:
make logs
Run migrations:
make makemigrations
make migrate
Create Superuser:
make superuser
- You can however explore the make files for the available commands.
Usage The API can be accessed at http://localhost:80/.
To access the admin panel, go to http://localhost:80/secrets/ and login with your superuser account.
API Endpoints All the API Endpoint are available in a Redoc documentaion. Once you have the project running navigate to http://localhost:80/redoc/ to find all the Endpoints.
Incase you might have any questions don't hesitate to reach out.