Boilerplate bootstrap admin template for ASP.NET Core 7.0
for a Razor project.
The project is based on Razor pages. I have already fixed the solution to add webapi
and document them with Swagger.
- AdminWebCore contains the web application. The sub-folders contain:
- Apis: example of ApiController with comments to generate the XML for Swagger
- Pages: all the pages for he web application in Razor format. Main file is Index.cshtml.
- Shared: common files for the UI, for example Layout.cshtml. Allo other folders are example of pages
- wwwroot: static files
- CoreUI: original files from the free template CoreUI
Operation Pro is web-based tracking the company staff's basic information and vehicle details. Also, tracking some advance payments and expenses to the site.
- CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template
- NSwag.AspNetCore to add Swagger to this project (Startup.cs is fixed accordingly).