- 🔭 I am currently a postdoctoral research associate in the Proteomics group at the Broad Institute. 💻
- 😌 I got my PhD in Bioinformatics at Université de Montréal in 2023. 💻
- 🌱 Interested about genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics.
- 👯 I’m involved on causes to bring joy to children and families in Colombia Regala una sonrisa a un niño del Campo 💬 Ask me about if you wanna get involved.
- ⚡ Fun fact: My name is too long so people call me MaVi.
- 🇨🇴 I'm from Colombia, I did my master degree in France 🇫🇷, I moved to Canada for my PhD 🇨🇦 and now living in the USA for my postdoc 🇺🇸 ... next to come.
- Dr. Claude Perreault : https://www.iric.ca/en/research/principal-investigators/claude-perreault
- Dr. Sébastien Lemieux : https://lemieux.iric.ca/
- Dr. Steven Carr : https://www.broadinstitute.org/bios/steven-carr
- Dr. DR Mani : https://www.broadinstitute.org/bios/d-r-mani
- BamQuery: a proteogenomic tool to explore the immunopeptidome and prioritize actionable tumor antigens
- Most Non-Canonical Proteins Uniquely Populate the Proteome or Immunopeptidome
- A multi-scale coevolutionary approach to predict interactions between protein domains
- Detecting Low-Complexity Confounders from Data
- Meet-U: Educating through research immersion