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Nettie, A Networking Game

This project is a gamification of concepts from the Networking I, II, III, & IV classes at Wayne State College.

Check out the current deployment!


How to Contribute

This section outlines how to contribute to this project.

  1. Add your skills to your profile's README.
  2. Become a collaborator on this project.
  3. Clone this project to your local machine.
  4. Request access to the environment variables.
  5. Create a new branch from the staging branch.
  6. Make changes to your branch.
  7. Change the version number in package.json.
  8. Push your branch to GitHub.
  9. Create a pull request from your branch to the staging branch.
  10. Wait for the pull request to be reviewed.
  11. Merge the pull request.
  12. Delete your branch.
  13. Repeat steps 5-12.


This section outlines how to deploy this project.

First Deployment - Main Branch

  1. Create a new Debian 13 based VM.
  2. Install Docker on the VM.
  3. Install Portainer on the VM. Make sure you have community edition.
  4. Run the Portainer container.
  5. Create a new stack in Portainer.
  6. Select the GitHub Repository option.
  7. Select the main branch.
  8. Select the docker-compose.yml file.
  9. Select the automatic redeploy on push option.
  10. Select the Deploy the stack button.
  11. Wait for the stack to deploy.
  12. Point the domain to the VM's IP address.

First Deployment - Staging Branch

  1. Use the same VM and Portainer container as above.
  2. Create a new stack in Portainer.
  3. Select the GitHub Repository option.
  4. Select the staging branch.
  5. Steps 9-11 are the same as above.
  6. Create an OpenVPN Server on the VM.
  7. Create a new user for the OpenVPN Server.
  8. Download the OpenVPN Client.
  9. Connect to the OpenVPN Server.
  10. Add rerouting rules to the Staging Stack.

Concepts Covered

This section outlines what concepts will be covered in this project.

  • MAC Addresses
  • IP Addresses
  • Subnetting
  • OSI Model
  • Header Questions
  • Command Questions
  • ANDing
  • Magic Number

...Others to come

Minimum Viable Product

This section outlines what this website has to at least accomplish to provide use to visitors.

Users are able to:

  • Set up a username and include their email
  • Change their username and email
  • Login with their email, but no password
  • Display recently added concepts broken down by level
  • Choose flashcards based on level, concept, and amount
  • Choose different types of games based on level and concept
  • Choose quizzes based on level and concept
  • Learn about this project in the About section
  • Learn who to contact for this project

Hopes & Dreams

This section outlines what I hope to get to with this project.

Further Documentation

This will include some resources about this project.

  • SvelteKit - This is the framework we're using for this project. It's a lot like React, but it's a lot easier to use.

  • Svelte - This is the framework that SvelteKit is built on.

  • Vite - This is the build tool that SvelteKit uses.

  • Apollo Client - This is the GraphQL client we're using for this project.

  • GraphQL - This is the query language we're using for this project.

  • Markdown Cheatsheet - This is a cheatsheet for Markdown. This is what we use to write this README and many others.

  • Hasura - This is the GraphQL engine we're using for this project. This takes care of the Graphql API and database.

  • Digital Ocean Spaces - This is the object storage we're using for this project. This is where we store the images.


This section outlines the commands I use to run this project.

  • nvm This can be used to manage which version of npm is being used. This can be installed here.

  • nvm install 19.5.0 Run this before running any of the following commands.

  • nvm use 19.5.0 Run this before running any of the following commands.

  • node -v Check node version, verify you're on 19.5.0

  • npm install - Installs the dependencies for this project.

  • npm run dev - Runs a local version of the app


This section outlines the dependencies I use for this project and the command used to install them. They should also be included in the package.json file.

YOU DON'T NEED TO ENTER THESE COMMANDS. npm install should install them for you.

  • @sveltejs/adapter-node - Used for deploying with Node.js. Used in svelte.config.js.

  • @sveltejs/kit - Used for SvelteKit. Used in svelte.config.js.

  • eslint - Used for linting JavaScript. Pretty much checks for errors.

  • eslint-config-prettier - Used for formatting Code.

  • eslint-plugin-svelte - Used for linting Svelte.

  • prettier - Used for formatting Code.

  • prettier-plugin-svelte - Used for formatting Svelte.

  • svelte - Used for Svelte.

  • vite - Used for Vite.

  • @apollo/client - Used for Apollo Client. To make GraphQL requests.

  • graphql - Used for GraphQL statements. To make GraphQL requests.

  • svelte-apollo - Used for Svelte Apollo. To make GraphQL requests.

  • svelte-icons-pack - Used for Svelte Icons.

  • xlsx - Used to read and write to Excel files.

  • dotenv - Used for .env files.

Visual Studio Code Extensions

This section outlines the extensions I use for this project. These are very helpful for web-development.

  • ESLint - Used for linting JavaScript.

  • Prettier - Used for formatting Code.

  • GitHub Copilot - Used for code suggestions. This is a must for programmers! Can be free with a student email address here.

  • GitLens - Used for git information. Makes it easier to Git blame people.

  • GitHub Repositories - Used to see GitHub Repositories and their information.

  • Indent Rainbow - Makes indentation easier to see.

  • Path Intellisense - Gives path suggestions and autocompletion.

  • Code Spell Checker - Used for spell checking.

  • Polacode - Used for taking screenshots of code.

  • Import Cost - Used for seeing the size of imports.

  • Highlight Matching Tag - Used for highlighting matching tags.

  • Auto Rename Tag - Used for renaming matching tags.

  • Auto Close Tag - Used for closing matching tags.

  • Advanced New File - Allows you to create new files in the current directory from the keyboard.

  • vscode-pets - PETS!

  • WakaTime - Used for tracking time spent on projects.

  • SynthWave '84 - A nice theme for VSCode.

  • Material Icon Theme - Nice icons for VSCode.

  • Dotenv Official +Vault - Used for .env files.

  • Edit csv - Gives a table UI for CSV files.

  • Excel Viewer - Gives a table UI for Excel files.

  • Markdown Preview GitHub Styling - Used for Markdown files. You can use this to preview Markdown files.

  • markdownlint - Used for linting Markdown files.

  • npm Intellisense - Used for npm autocompletion in import statements.

  • Svelte for VS Code - Used for Svelte.

  • Svelte 3 Snippets - Used for Svelte.

  • Svelte Intellisense - Used for Svelte.

  • VS Color Picker - Used for picking colors in CSS.

  • Svelte Auto Import - Used for Svelte.