#Catnip One of our cats REALLY likes to chase the mouse cursor on the screen. It can be very hard to use the computer with a cat in front of the screen so I made this game for her to play, preferably on a screen other than the one I'm using.
If you want to try it out go here.
Copy the contents of public to a web server and then navigate to index.html in a web browser
- After the page loads you can a change the sliders to control the number of birds on the screen at a time and the speed that they move
- To start the program click the Start button at the bottom of the options window
- To play/pause the animation click the button in the left of the toolbar
- To show or hide the options click the button in the left of the toolbar
- To enter/exit fullscreen mode click the button in the right of the toolbar
- Multiple backgrounds and a way to select them
- Add a start page with instructions
- Merge the show/hide options button into a single component
- Make the loading page prettier
- Animated loading image
- Button for fullscreen mode
- Button to play/pause the animation
- Make the toolbar and the buttons in it pretty
- Add a countdown to start the program and hide the options
- Create functions to start/stop/pause the animation
- Create functions to show/hide the options
- Move the sprite handling to its own namespace
- Have the birds change direction once in a while
- Have different paths that the birds can take while moving
- Sound effects
- Add interaction with the birds so that cats can whack them on a touchscreen
- Moved the sprite handling to a separate namespace
- This is using the DOM instead of a canvas so that it fits in better with React.js/Reagent
- Put all the possible sprite components into an atom on load so they don't need to be calculated each frame
- Created a toolbar
- Replaced the text based show/hide options button with a toolbar
- Added a proper full screen mode instead of just having text saying to press F11
- Added a spinner to the loading screen
- Added an icon to the options window
- Added a start/stop button to the options window
- Added a close button to the options window
- Fixed a bug in the slider that was causing them to be stuck on the left and could only make the values higher
Refactoring the code to make the source more readable
Game is working.