Introduction to MongoDB and tutorial to access to database with Python using PyMongo
It is no longer possible to use Google Colab to run MongoDB server, I keep the following notebook as a reference to run a MongoDB server in linux 1_Run_MongoDB_in_colab.ipynb.
Part1 : Open Notebook 1_1_First_steps_with_MongoDB_PyMongo.ipynb to learn:
Connection to Mongo
Basic database, collection management
CRUD one document
CRUD many documents
Practice with example 1_2_Bicing.ipynb:
How to connect to MongoDB
How to import CSV data
Query with a filter
Part2 : Open Notebook 2_Basic_PyMongo_guide.ipynb to learn:
CRUD part 2
Query operators
Maximum and Minimum
Inclusion, exclusion operators IN and NIN
Relational operators "greater than or equal", "greater than", "equal", "little than", "little than or equal"
Logical Query Operators
Exists & not exists
List items that belong to a list or not
Practice with example 2_1_Mobile_coverage.ipynb:
How to connect to MongoDB
How to import CSV data
Query with agregations