Read our 👉REPORT👈 to see all implementation details
We build parallel algorithms of forward propagation for general convolutional neural networks and implemented ZF-Net for performance testing. Several methods include tiling, diminishing control divergence and carefully setting block size are used to optimize the algorithm speed. Finally, the most optimized algorithm is 107.35% and 1287 times faster than naive parallel method and serial method respectively.
The code is the convolution part of CNN. Fully-connected layer part was implemented by my teammate and I didn't upload them.
We use the pyCUDA environment of tesseract server provided by Columbia University.
(1) report.pdf: our report that contains all details
(2) result.out: the result of our program, contains all profiling (time measuring) information
(3) contains all kernel code of several methods
(4) testing functions, verifying correctness and measuring time
(5) other functions, such as automatically setting block size
(6) run this file as the main function if you know the running command
(7) run this file if you don't know the running command