##Vagrant Ark Agent Distributed Agent used to collect current and historical End Of Day stock data. Techniques used:
- Python2.7 (any volunteers for porting this to 3.5 ? ;-)
- Celery
- MongoDB
Based on the excellent work of skillachie http://skillachie.github.io/ark_agent/
Added in this fork:
- RabbitMQ
- RabbitMQ monitoring web interface
- Celery flower for monitoring & managing the celery cluster
- iPython/Jupyter notebook for writing & testing your own code
- Vagrant for wrapping it all up in a single ubuntu-16.04 box
- numpy
- pandas
- SciPy
- matplotlib
The ark agent is running in a full Vagrant box including the following web services:
- Celery Flower web interface (http://localhost:5555)
- iPhython/Jupyter notebook web interface (http://localhost:8888)
- RabbitMQ-Manager web interface (http://localhost:15672) user: admin pass: admin
###Prerequisite & Setup
- have Vagrant installed (http://www.vagrantup.com)
- Clone this repository
run: vagrant up
Every thing will be setup for you. When the creation of the Vagrant ubuntu box is finished, login with:
vagrant ssh
and use screen -r
to access the output of: MongoDB, Jupyter, Flower and Celery.
[ctrl-a "] for a list of screens
Don't forget to connect your browser to the web interfaces on port 5555, 8888 and 15672 ##Services
host: localhost
port: 5672
username: guest
password: guest
VirtualBox settings: v.memory = 4096 v.cpus = 4
composed by JWR, aug-2016, feel free to clone/fork change/use :-)