Haulted due to focus on other projects including master thesis.
Coding along the course "microservices-with-docker-flask-and-react" on
testdriven.io. The code is therfore based on the corresponding examples
guidelines and assignements.
Copyright 2017 - 2019 TestDriven Labs. Developed by Michael Herman.
- Services:
- users
- client
- nginx
- swagger
- scores
- exercise
- Tools and Technology
- Python
- Flask
- Docker
- Postgres
- Node and NPM
- React
- Cypress
- Swagger
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Concepts
- Microservice Architecture
- Test-Driven-Developement (TDD)
- Continuous Integration (CI)
- Continuous Delivery (CD)
- Code Coverage
- Code Quality
- Token-based Authentication
- Containerization
- Container Orchestration
- Serverless Architecture