apt-get install -y postgresql python3-pip python3-venv
python3 -m venv wikivi_venv
source wikivi_venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo su postgres
(The following commands will be in the postgresql shell, you can use whatever username/password you want when creating a user. I recommend using your shell username as postgresql checks for it by default)
create user username with password 'password';
create database wikivi;
grant all privileges on database wikivi to username;
\c wikivi
grant all on schema public to username;
Make sure to use "su" to go back to your original user then run the following command:
psql -d wikivi -a -f firstcommand.sql
First, create a new directory called "xml_articles". Go to the Wikimedia dumps website in order to download any wikipedia xml dump of your choice and place it inside the newly-created directory. Then run the use_mwxml.py
After the program is done executing, run the parse_content_to_readabletext.py
Finally, run the embedding_mini.py
script (make sure you have specified a valid path for both the embeddings and the model)