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Swagger-UI compliant JSON generated from YARD. For RESTful Rails apps.


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SwaggerYard is a gem to convert custom YARD tags in comments into Swagger 2.0 or OpenAPI 3.0.0 specs.


Put SwaggerYard in your Gemfile:

gem 'swagger_yard'

Install the gem with Bunder:

bundle install

Getting Started

Place configuration in a Rails initializer or suitable configuration file:

# config/initializers/swagger_yard.rb
SwaggerYard.configure do |config|
  config.api_version = "1.0"

  config.title = 'Your API'
  config.description = 'Your API does this'

  # where your actual api is hosted from
  config.api_base_path = "http://localhost:3000/api"

  # Where to find controllers (can be an array of paths/globs)
  config.controller_path = ::Rails.root + 'app/controllers/**/*'

  # Where to find models (can be an array)
  config.model_path = ::Rails.root + 'app/decorators/**/*'

  # Whether to include controller methods marked as private
  # (either with ruby `private` or YARD `# @visibility private`
  # Default: true
  config.include_private = true

Then start to annotate controllers and models as described below.

Generate Specification

To generate a Swagger or OpenAPI specification, use one of the SwaggerYard::Swagger or SwaggerYard::OpenAPI classes as follows in a script or Rake task (or use swagger_yard-rails):

# Register the yard tags

spec =
# Generate YAML"openapi.yml", "w") { |f| f << YAML.dump(spec.to_h) }
# Generate JSON"openapi.json, "w") { |f| f << JSON.pretty_generate(spec.to_h) }

Documenting APIs

Documenting controllers and models is best illustrated by example.


Each Swagger-ized controller must have a @resource tag naming the API to be documented. Without this tag, no endpoints will be generated.

Then, document each controller action method that is an endpoint of the API. Each endpoint needs to have a @path tag at a minimum. @parameter tags and @response_type/@response tags specify the inputs and outputs to the endpoint. A request body is specified with the use of a single @parameter tag with a (body) option. (@response_type is shorthand for the type of the default response, while @response allows you to specify the HTTP status.)

# @resource Account ownership
# This document describes the API for creating, reading, and deleting account ownerships.
class Accounts::OwnershipsController < ActionController::Base
  # Returns a list of ownerships associated with the account.
  # Status can be -1(Deleted), 0(Inactive), 1(Active), 2(Expired) and 3(Cancelled).
  # @path [GET] /accounts/ownerships
  # @parameter offset   [integer]               Used for pagination of response data (default: 25 items per response). Specifies the offset of the next block of data to receive.
  # @parameter status   [array<string>]         Filter by status. (e.g. status[]=1&status[]=2&status[]=3).
  # @parameter sort_order [enum<id,begin_at,end_at,created_at>]  Orders response by fields. (e.g. sort_order=created_at).
  # @parameter sort_descending    [boolean]     Reverse order of sort_order sorting, make it descending.
  # @parameter begin_at_greater   [date]        Filters response to include only items with begin_at >= specified timestamp (e.g. begin_at_greater=2012-02-15T02:06:56Z).
  # @parameter begin_at_less      [date]        Filters response to include only items with begin_at <= specified timestamp (e.g. begin_at_less=2012-02-15T02:06:56Z).
  # @parameter end_at_greater     [date]        Filters response to include only items with end_at >= specified timestamp (e.g. end_at_greater=2012-02-15T02:06:56Z).
  # @parameter end_at_less        [date]        Filters response to include only items with end_at <= specified timestamp (e.g. end_at_less=2012-02-15T02:06:56Z).
  def index

  # Returns an ownership for an account by id
  # @path [GET] /accounts/ownerships/{id}
  # @response_type [Ownership]
  # @response [EmptyOwnership] 404 Ownership not found
  # @response 400 Invalid ID supplied
  def show

  # Creates an ownership for an account
  # @path [POST] /accounts/ownerships
  # @parameter ownership(body) [Ownership] The ownership to be created
  # @response_type [Ownership]
  def create

Private controllers/actions

When you set include_private = false in the SwaggerYard configuration, you can mark action methods as private, so that they won't be documented, using @visibility private in comments.

  # @visibility private
  def show


Each model to be exposed in the specification must have a @model tag. Model properties are specified with @property tags. JSON Schema additionalProperties can be specified with @additional_properties <type> where <type> is any type defined elsewhere, or simply false to denote a closed model (additionalProperties: false).

# @model
# @property id(required)    [integer]   the identifier for the pet
# @property name  [Array<string>]    the names for the pet
# @property age   [integer]   the age of the pet
# @property relatives(required) [Array<Pet>] other Pets in its family
# @additional_properties string
class Pet

To then use your Model in your Controller documentation, add @parameters:

# @parameter pet(body) [Pet] The pet object

To support Swagger Polymorphism, use @discriminator and @inherits:

# @model
# @property id(required)    [integer]   the identifier for the pet
# @property name  [Array<string>]    the names for the pet
# @property age   [integer]   the age of the pet
# @property relatives(required) [Array<Pet>] other Pets in its family
# @discriminator petType(required) [string] the type of pet
class Pet

# @model
# @inherits Pet
# @property packSize(required) [integer] the size of the pack the dog is from
class Dog < Pet

If you wish to name your model differently from the underlying ruby class, add the name as text to the @model tag. In the example here, if we did not specify Dog as the model name, it would have been named Models_Dog.

# @model Dog
module Models
  class Dog


Types of things (parameters or responses of an operation, properties of a model) are indicated inside square-brackets (e.g., [string]) as part of a YARD tag.

  • Model references should be Capitalized or CamelCased by convention.
  • Basic types (integer, boolean, string, object, number, date, time, date-time, uuid, etc.) should be lowercased.
  • An array of models or basic types is specified with [array<...>].
  • An enum of allowed string values is specified with [enum<one,two,three>].
  • An enum of allowed values that are defined in the application [enum<{CURRENCIES}>].
  • An object definition can include the property definitions of its fields, and / or of an additional property for any remaining allowed fields. E.g., [object<name: string, age: integer, string >]
  • Structured data like objects, arrays, pairs, etc., definitions can also be nested; E.g., [object<pairs:array<object<right:integer,left:integer>>>]
  • JSON-Schema format attributes can be specified for basic types using <...>. For example, [integer<int64>] produces JSON { "type": "integer", "format": "int64" }.
  • Regex pattern constraints can be specified for strings using [regex<PATTERN>]. For example, [regex<^.{3}$>] produces JSON { "type": "string", "pattern": "^.{3}$" }.
  • A union of two or more sub-types is expressed as (A | B) (parentheses required). This translates to oneOf: in JSON Schema.
  • An intersection of two or more sub-types is expressed as (A & B) (parentheses required). This translates to allOf: in JSON Schema.


Parameter or property options are expressed inside parenthesis immediately following the parameter or property name.


# @parameter name(required) [string]  Name of the package
# @parameter age(nullable)  [integer] Age of package
# @parameter package(body)  [Package] Package object

Possible parameters include:

  • required: indicates a required parameter or property.
  • nullable: indicates that JSON null is an allowed value for the property.
  • multiple: indicates a parameter may appear multiple times (usually in a query string, e.g., param=a&param=b&param=c)
  • body/query/path/formData: Indicates where the parameter is located.


The Swagger and OpenAPI specs both allow for specifying example data at multiple levels. SwaggerYard allows you to use an @example tag to specify example JSON data at the response, model, and individual property levels.

The basic format of an @example is:

# @example [name]
#    body content
#    should be indented
#    and can span
#    multiple lines

Response examples

Response examples should appear in a method documentation block inside a controller, alongside the parameters and response tags. Use a named @example to associate the example with a specific response, or use an unnammed example to associate the data to the default response (when using a @response_type tag).

  # return a Pet
  # @path [GET] /pets/{id}
  # @parameter id [integer] The ID for the Pet
  # @response_type [Pet]
  # @response [ErrorPet] 404 Pet not found
  # @example
  #    {"id": 1, "names": ["Fido"], "age": 12}
  # @example 404
  #    {"error": 404, "message": "Pet not found"}
  def show

Model examples

Use a model example to specify an example for the entire model at once. The example tag should omit any name to associate the data with the model itself and not a single property.

# @model
# @property id(required)  [integer]
# @property name          [string]
# @example
#   {"id": 42, "name": "Fred Flintstone"}
class Person

Property examples

Use property examples to specify data for individual properties. To associate the example data, the @example tag must use the same name as the property and appear after the property.

# @model
# @property id(required)  [integer]
# @example id
#    42
# @property name          [string]
# @example name
#   "Fred Flintstone"
class Person

Standalone Model

Types can be specified without being associated to an existing model with the @!model directive. It is useful when documenting a create and an update of the same class:

# @!model CreatePet
# @property id(required)    [integer]
# @property name(required)  [string]
# @!model UpdatePet
# @property id(required)    [integer]
# @property name            [string]

It can also be needed when the body parameter of a path is not totally matching a model.

Note that a model name must be given to the directive.

External Schema

Types can be specified that refer to external JSON schema documents for their definition. External schema documents are expected to also define their models under a definitions top-level key like so:

  "definitions": {
    "MyStandardModel": {

To register an external schema so that it can be referenced in places where you specify a type, configure SwaggerYard as follows:

SwaggerYard.configure do |config|
  config.external_schema mymodels: ''

Then refer to models in the schema using the syntax [mymodels#MyStandardModel] where types are specified. This causes SwaggerYard to emit the following schema for the type:

{ "$ref": "" }


API Key auth

SwaggerYard supports several authorization styles. Start by adding @authorization to your ApplicationController.

# @authorization [api_key] header X-APPLICATION-API-KEY
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

Then you can use these authorizations from your controller or actions in a controller.

# @authorize_with header_x_application_api_key
class PetController < ApplicationController

Supported formats for the @authorization tag are as follows:

# @authorization [apiKey] (query|header|cookie) key-name The rest is a description
# @authorization [bearer] mybearerauth bearer-format The rest is a description
# @authorization [basic] mybasicauth The rest is a description
# @authorization [digest] digestauth The rest is a description
# @authorization [<any-rfc7235-auth>] myrfcauth The rest is a description
  • For apiKey the name of the authorization is formed as "#{location}_#{key_name}".downcase.gsub('-','_'). Example: @authorization [apiKey] header X-API-Key is named header_x_api_key. (This naming scheme is kept for backwards compatibility.)

  • All others are named by the tag name following the [type]. Example: @authorization [bearer] myBearerAuth Format Description is named myBearerAuth.

Custom security schemes

SwaggerYard also supports custom security schemes. You can define these in your configuration like:

SwaggerYard.configure do |config|
  config.security_schemes['petstore_oauth'] = {
    type: "oauth2",
    flows: {
      implicit: {
        authorizationUrl: "",
        scopes: {
          "write:pets": "modify pets in your account",
          "read:pets": "read your pets"		

Then you can also use these authorizations from your controller or actions in a controller.

# @authorize_with petstore_oauth
class PetController < ApplicationController

Better Rails integration with swagger_yard-rails

To generate specifications from your Rails app on request, check out the swagger_yard-rails project. This provides an engine that has a mountable endpoint that will parse the source code and render the specification as a json document.

Path Discovery Function

SwaggerYard configuration allows setting of a "path discovery function" which will be called for controller action method documentation that have no @path tag. The function should return an array containing ["<method>", "<path>"] if any can be determined.

SwaggerYard.configure do |config|
  config.path_discovery_function = ->(yard_obj) do
    # code here to inspect the yard doc object
    # and return a [method, path] for the api

In swagger_yard-rails, this hook is used to set a function that inspects the Rails routing tables to reverse look up and compute paths.

More Information


Swagger-UI compliant JSON generated from YARD. For RESTful Rails apps.







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