Lets putting lights on a building.
A simple implementation of Paho MQTT using cloud MQTT as a broker, more information in folder
- Resolution: 4 x 10 (40)
- Undergoing renovations
- Long walkway in front
- Resolution: 5 x 10 (50)
- Undergoing renovations
- lots of labs
- Resolution: ???
- Old people
- Resolution: 6 x 8 (48)
- No ouside view
- Decent view from inside
- Classrooms and lbrary on top floor
- Resolution: 4 x 50 (200)
- A lot of windows
- wed. feb 19:
- Send Building Email (Swenson pls)
- Pixel Components
- sun. feb 22:
- Order Final Lights / components ?
- wholesale?
- https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32864304668.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.200f5964JL8JSu&algo_pvid=3946ecc6-008a-4405-8444-d0a2fab68ede&algo_expid=3946ecc6-008a-4405-8444-d0a2fab68ede-7&btsid=0ab6f83915821413626712457e41ad&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_
- https://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20200219114242&SearchText=rgb+led+strip+5v+100m
- wholesale?
- Dynamic Front End
- Order Final Lights / components ?
- wed. feb 26:
- Dynamic Front End
- sun. feb 29:
- Finish Dynamic Front End
- Confirm Building
- wed. mar 04:
- Speaking to Building Manager and organizing installation
- wed. mar 28:
- Assembling pixels
- sun. mar 25:
- Assembling pixels
- wed. apr 01:
- Installation
- sun. apr 04:
- Finish Installation?
- wed. apr 08:
- Done.
- sun. apr 11:
- Done.