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An auxiliary library that stores common code. It is used in YarRequest, YarResponse, YarHub and can be used by third-party applications.

library YarLib {
    // A model with all the data of a cross-chain transaction
    struct YarTX {
        uint256 initialChainId; // sending network
        address sender; // who pays the fee in YarHub
        address app; // who sent the request in YarRequest
        uint256 targetChainId; // destination network
        address target; // address to which [value] will be sent and [data] will be executed
        uint256 value; // how many native tokens to send to the [target] address
        bytes data; // 0x or encoded function call
        uint256 depositToYarAmount; // the amount of fees sent with the transaction, could be 0 if the user already had a deposit


Deployed in each network, including YarChain.

interface YarRequest {
    // Event based on which the pending transaction is added to YarHub
    event Send(
        YarLib.YarTX yarTx // Cross-chain transaction model

    // Event based on which the balance for paying fees is credited to the [depositor]'s account in YarHub
    event Deposit(
        address depositor, // who to credit
        address feesToken, // payment token in the initial network
        uint256 amount // amount of feesToken accepted as payment

    // Address of the multisig wallet to which funds will be transferred to pay the deposit
    function relayer() external view returns(address);

    // Token accepted as payment of fees
    // If feeToken == address(0), it is the native token of the current network
    function feeToken() external view returns(address);

    // Checks whether [sender] allowed the transaction [yarTxHash] to be sent from the [app] address
    function approvals(
        address sender, // who will pay the fee
        address app, // who initiates the transaction
        bytes32 yarTxHash // hash generated from YarLib.YarTX
    ) external view returns(bool);

    // Used to top up the deposit in YarHub
    // Payment is made in the current feeToken
    function deposit(
        address account, // whose account to credit
        uint256 amount // how much feeToken was accepted in the initial network
    ) external payable;

    // This function allows in one transaction
    // to issue approval and call an application that
    // can perform a cross-chain transaction on behalf of the user
    function approveAndCallApp(
        bytes calldata appData, // encoded function call to be executed at address
        YarLib.YarTX calldata yarTX // cross-chain transaction to which permission will be granted, from yarTX.sender to
    ) external payable;

    // Grants permission for [] to send the transaction [yarTX], which will be paid by [yarTX.sender]
    function approve(YarLib.YarTX calldata yarTX) external;

    // Send a cross-chain transaction from the [] address, which will be paid by [yarTx.sender]
    function sendFrom(YarLib.YarTX calldata yarTX) external payable;

    // Calls _approve if
    // the signature matches the [yarTX.sender]'s signature
    function permit(
        YarLib.YarTX calldata yarTX,
        uint256 signatureExpired,
        bytes calldata signature
    ) external;

    // Sends a cross-chain transaction
    // where msg.sender == yarTX.sender ==
    function send(YarLib.YarTX calldata yarTX) external payable;


Deployed in each network, including YarChain.

interface YarResponse {
    // Address of the multisig wallet to which funds will be transferred to pay the deposit
    function relayer() external view returns(address);

    // Getter that temporarily stores the current executing transaction
    // It is set before calling the target and cleared afterward
    function trustedYarTx() external view returns(YarLib.YarTX);

    // Can only be called from the [relayer] address
    // Transaction delivery in the target network
    function deliver(YarLib.YarTX calldata yarTx) external payable;


Deployed only on the YAR network.

interface YarHub {
    // Auxiliary data type for denoting the transaction status
    enum TxStatus {
        NotExists, // Transaction does not exist
        WaitForPay, // Waiting for deposit top-up
        InProgress, // Deposit is locked, and the transaction is handed over to YarResponse for execution
        Completed, // Transaction completed successfully, deposit unlocked
        Rejected // Transaction ended with an error, deposit unlocked

    // Wrapped YarLib.YarTX with additional fields used only in YarHub
    struct WrappedYarTX {
        YarLib.YarTX yarTx; // Transaction model
        TxStatus status; // Current status
        uint256 lockedFees; // Amount locked from the sender's deposit. Set after execute
        uint256 usedFees; // Amount of fees spent. Set after commit
        bytes32 initialTxHash; // Hash of the transaction that initiated the transfer in the initial network
        bytes32 targetTxHash; // Hash of the transaction in the target network

    // Event with the same name as the function
    event CreateTransaction(YarLib.YarTX yarTx);

    // Event with the same name as the function
    event ExecuteTransaction(YarLib.YarTX yarTx);

    // Triggered when the transaction has been sent to the target network and completed
    // successfully, then status = TxStatus.Completed
    // or with an error, then status = TxStatus.Rejected
    event CommitTransaction(YarLib.YarTX yarTx, TxStatus status, uint256 usedFees, uint256 feesToReturn);

    // Event with the same name as the function
    event Deposit(
        address account, // whose account was credited
        uint256 amount // amount of fee tokens credited

    // Called from the relayer address
    // If there was a deposit top-up event from the initial network,
    // this function must be called before executeTransaction
    // Otherwise, the second will fail with "feeTokensToLock!"
    // Credits [feeTokenAmount] tokens to the [account]'s balance
    function deposit(address account, uint256 feeTokenAmount) external;

    // Called from the relayer address
    // Adds a new transaction to memory
    // The status of the new transaction is WaitForPay
    // lockedFees - 0
    // usedFees - 0
    // initialTxHash = initialTxHash - hash of the transaction in the initial network
    function createTransaction(YarLib.YarTX calldata yarTX, bytes32 initialTxHash) external;

    // Called from the relayer address
    // If the transaction has not been created before, an error "only WaitForPay!" occurs
    // The parameter feeTokensToLock is a calculated amount, with a reserve, which will be temporarily deducted from the user's balance
    // if deposits[yarTX.sender] funds are less than feeTokensToLock, the transaction will fail with "feeTokensToLock!"
    // If the deposit is successfully deducted, emits the ExecuteTransaction event,
    // based on which the transaction must be delivered to the target network
    function executeTransaction(YarLib.YarTX calldata yarTX, uint256 feeTokensToLock) external;

    // Called from the relayer address
    // After successfully completing a transaction in the target network, sets the status to TxStatus.Completed
    // It is required to specify usedFees - the amount that can ultimately be deducted from the user's account
    // If usedFees exceed locked funds, nothing is returned
    // Otherwise, credits the difference to the user's balance
    function completeTransaction(YarLib.YarTX calldata yarTX, bytes32 targetTxHash, uint256 usedFees) external;

    // Called from the relayer address
    // After a transaction error in the target network, sets the status to TxStatus.Rejected
    // It is required to specify usedFees - the amount that can ultimately be deducted from the user's account
    // If usedFees exceed locked funds, nothing is returned
    // Otherwise, credits the difference to the user's balance
    function rejectTransaction(YarLib.YarTX calldata yarTX, bytes32 targetTxHash, uint256 usedFees) external;

Basic Algorithm:

  1. YarRequest emits the following events:

    • Deposit(address depositor, address feesToken, uint256 amount)
    • Send(YarLib.YarTX yarTx)
  2. Relayers must first process the deposits, recalculating the feesToken and amount into feeTokenAmount of the Yar network.

  3. After recalculation, they send transactions:

    • YarHub.connect(relayer).deposit(depositor, feeTokenAmount)
  4. Then, Relayers start processing the Send events:

    • First, sending transactions that create pending transactions:
      • YarHub.connect(relayer).createTransaction(yarTx)
  5. Then, the required fee amount is recalculated again but now for Yar tokens, and passed as feeTokensToLock:

    • YarHub.connect(relayer).executeTransaction(yarTx, feeTokensToLock)
  6. If the user has sufficient funds, the event triggers:

    • ExecuteTransaction(YarLib.YarTX yarTx)
    • Based on this event, the transaction can be delivered to the target network.
    • If funds are insufficient, the transaction will fail with the error "feeTokensToLock!"
  7. After the ExecuteTransaction event and its execution, the final fee expenditure is calculated and passed on as usedFees. Depending on how the transaction executed, the Relayer network sends either:

    • YarHub.connect(relayer).completeTransaction(yarTx, usedFees)
    • or
    • YarHub.connect(relayer).rejectTransaction(yarTx, usedFees)

Run UI

cd scaffold
yarn install
yarn start

Dev Environment Setup

  1. Use Ubuntu 22.04:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install curl
sudo curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain nightly -y
sudo apt-get -y install python3 python3-pip
python3 -m pip install mythril
python3 -m pip install slither-analyzer
sudo curl -o- | bash
source ~/.nvm/ && nvm install --lts
sudo apt-get -y install git
sudo curl -L | bash


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