YDBposix is a plugin that allows M application code to use selected POSIX; it does not implement the underlying functionality. A set of low level C functions closely matching their corresponding POSIX functions acts as a software shim to connect M code to POSIX functions. A set of higher level entryrefs makes the functionality available in form more familiar to M programmers. M application code is free to call either level.
As C application code can call POSIX functions directly, the plugin has no value to C application code.
When installed in the $ydb_dist/plugin
directory, YDBposix consists of the following files:
– a shared library with the C software shims -
– a call-out table to allow M code to call the functions inlibydbposix.so
– M source code for higher level^%ydbposix
entryrefs that M application code can call. -
– M source code for%ydbposixtest
routine to test plugin withyottadb -run %ydbposix
– a shared library with M mode object code for^%ydbposix
entryrefs -
– if YottaDB is installed with UTF-8 support, a shared library with UTF-8 mode object code
YottaDB must be installed and available before installing the POSIX plugin. https://yottadb.com/product/get-started/ has instructions on installing YottaDB. Download and unpack the POSIX plugin in a temporary directory, and make that the current directory. Then:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
[(optional to test functionality)] make test ARGS="-V"
sudo make install
At any time after installing the POSIX plugin, you can always test it.
export ydb_dir=$(mktemp -d)
source $(pkg-config --variable=prefix yottadb)/ydb_env_set
yottadb -run %ydbposixtest
source $(pkg-config --variable=prefix yottadb)/ydb_env_unset
rm -r $ydb_dir
To contribute or help with further development, fork the repository, clone your fork to a local copy and begin contributing! Please also set up the pre-commit script to automatically enforce some coding conventions. Assuming you are in the top-level directory, the following will work:
ln -s ../../pre-commit .git/hooks
Note that this script requires tcsh