the interface for graphical sampling in order to generate values following an empirical distribution, with img/canvas tag on Firefox.
Copyright (c) 2016 Yuji SODE <[email protected]>
This software is released under the MIT License.
Figure 1. Concept of graphical sampling. f (x) is a graph drawn on graphical data (W x H px).
The sample (Sp) as a result of graphical sampling with graphical data: W x H px (Figure 1) can be expressed as follows:
let graphical heights of f (x1) and f (x2) be a1 px and a2 px respectively,
(1) Sp = x0, ..., x1, ..., x1, x2, ..., x2, ..., xn
(2) Sp = x0 * a0, x1 * a1, x2 * a2, ..., xn * an
RGBA color value in a pixel is available in order to recognize the shape of the graph.
The alpha value is used in this program; a pixel where alpha > 0 is regarded as graph.
- draw2Sample.js
- [v1.2+] pValue.js
- "Sample (Sp)": "Rnd" in the result output of "draw2Sample.js"
- Generating target values; the target values are obtained with bootstrap Method (Efron,1979) via Sp.
- (Optional [v1.2+]) Estimating p-value; p-value is estimated with "pValue.js" via Sp.
- call "draw2Sample()" in a html file with img/canvas tag.
- (Optional [v1.2+]) call "_pValue()" of "pValue.js", in order to estimate p-value; (see Estimating p-value for details of prameters).
Selecting some target images
Target tag; here target images can be selected. -
Draw graph
Drawing; a graph can be drawn on the newly created canvas tag freehand or with script (see "Example with the standard normal distribution").
"canvas id": the id of canvas tag to draw graph.
"Size": size of the selecting canvas tag, expressed with Width (W) and Height (H). -
The sampling from the given graph (2.) is run with "Run sampling" button, and the result output is shown in "Result".- "Target width": the target sampling area, expressed with left side x coordinate (x0) and width (w), shown in red.
- "Sampling interval"; it sets how many times the given graph (2.) is sampled in a given target area, starting with x0.
- "Range of values": the true x-coordinate values in the target sampling area, expressed with left side (v0) and right side (v).
- "Clear image" button; it clears the selected image (1.), which is shown under the drawing layer.
- "Show sampling line" button; it shows "Sampling interval" as vertical lines.
- "Clear sampling line" button; it clears "Sampling interval" shown by "Show sampling line" button.
- "Clear drawing" button; it clears drawn graph (2.).
- "Run sampling" button; it runs sampling and outputs results into "Result".
- "Close" button; it closes this interface.
- "Result"; where results are output, and additional comments are also available here.
- "Clear result" button; it clears output results in "Result".
- "Email address": email address used outputting "Result" as email format.
- "Output as email" button; it saves the "Result" as email to given address.
- dataLog: csv formatted values expressed as n@y for a n-th sampling result: y with top left corner as origin.
- x@f(x): csv formatted values expressed as x@f (x) for a value of f (x) at x with bottom left as origin.
- Rnd: csv formatted values estimated as results of a sampling.
- Probability estimator with given numerical data and bootstrap Method (Efron,1979) on Firefox.
* data: numerical data as csv formatted text e.g., '1,2,3,...'
*===<optional parameters>===
* x: numerical value; the upper 25% of a given values as default
* sampleSize: numerical positive integer; 100 as default
* simulation: numerical positive integer; 10 as default
p-value is estimated as probability on v-axis: P(x
) = P(v >=x
The estimation is based on resampled data with size (sampleSize
) for n-time (simulation
) simulations.
Script 1: _pValue('1,2');
the result: {"p":0.504,"x":1.75,"sampleSize":100,"simulation":10}
Script 2: _pValue('1,2,3');
the result: {"p":0.323,"x":2.5,"sampleSize":100,"simulation":10}
Script 3: _pValue('1,2,3',1.1);
the result: {"p":0.676,"x":1.1,"sampleSize":100,"simulation":10}
Script 4: _pValue('1,2,3',2,10,1);
the result: {"p":0.6,"x":2,"sampleSize":10,"simulation":1}
- stdNormDist100pt.js
/*Fri_Sep_09_2016_17:01:16_GMT+0900_(JST),Sampling interval:20,Size: W x H = 400 x 400 px*/
Figure 2. Sampling example with the standard normal distribution by script. Blue and red lines show a graph
of the standard normal distribution by script and a recognized distribution respectively. Vertical lines show where
sampled from blue graph.
The sampled size by "draw2Sample.js": <Sample size:2527>
[Resampled size:100;Given mean:0;Simulation:100times;Significance level:0.025]
Result:Rejection rate:0
[Resampled size:10;Given mean:0.0;Simulation:10000times;Significance level:0.025]
Result:Rejection rate:0.0163
[Resampled size:20;Given mean:0;Simulation:10000times;Significance level:0.025]
Result:Rejection rate:0.0146
The sampled size by "draw2Sample.js": <Sample size:2527>
p-value was estimated as probability on v-axis: P(x
) = P(v >= x
- P(the upper 25% of given data):
- P(0):
- P(-1.96):
- P(1.96):
- Efron, B. 1979. Bootstrap Methods: Another Look at the Jackknife. Ann. Statist. vol. 7, no. 1, p. 1-26.
- bootstrapEst-2.1/bootstrapMdl.js (Yuji SODE,2016): the MIT License;