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ULF_DCC_EIN is one of several ULF_COM protocols. It is used to transmit DCC commands as human-readable ASCII strings. This C++ library of the same name contains code to either encode binary data into an ASCII string or vice versa to encode an ASCII string back into binary data.

Table of Contents
  1. Protocol
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage


The protocol consists of only two commands, both of which send bytes encoded as hex ASCII. A senddcc command to send DCC and a sendbidi command to receive BiDi feedback. Both command strings are terminated with a carriage return.


The string of the senddcc command follows the pattern senddcc( [0-9a-fA-F]{2}){3,}\r. The hex ASCII coded bytes contained in the string correspond to the data bytes of the DCC command including the checksum.

The command can optionally be answered with a string of the pattern senddcc [a-fA-F]([0-9a-fA-F]{2})\r. The response contains an identifier and a hex ASCII encoded data byte whose meaning depends on the identifier.

Response Byte Preceding Character Response Byte Type
b Response byte indicates current buffer level in bytes
p response byte indicates current buffer level in packets


The string of the sendbidi command follows the pattern sendbidi [ubsalrtei][0-9a-fA-F]{4}( [0-9a-fA-F]{2}){8}\r. In addition to the hex ASCII coded datagram, the command also contains the address belonging to the datagram. Since DCC addresses are not unique, an associated identifier that determines the address type must also be included.

Address Preceding Character DCC Address Type
u Unknown or service
b Broadcast
s Short
a Accessory
l Long
r Reserved
t Data transfer
e Automatic logon
i Idle or system

Getting Started


  • C++23 compatible compiler
  • CMake ( >= 3.25 )


This library is meant to be consumed with CMake.

# Either by including it with CPM
cpmaddpackage("gh:ZIMO-Elektronik/[email protected]")

# or the FetchContent module
  GIT_TAG v0.3.1)

target_link_libraries(YourTarget INTERFACE ULF::DCC_EIN)


If the build is running as a top-level CMake project then tests and a small example will be generated.

cmake -Bbuild
cmake --build build --target DCC_EINExamples


senddcc strings can be generated either from a DCC packet (packet2senddcc_str) or directly from bytes (bytes2senddcc_str). Both functions offer two overloads, one in which the data is returned in a std::string and one in which the buffer to be written into must be passed.

// Create a DCC advanced operations speed packet
dcc::Packet packet{dcc::make_advanced_operations_speed_packet(3u, 1, 10u)};

// Create senddcc string from packet
auto senddcc_str{ulf::dcc_ein::packet2senddcc_str(packet)};

// Alternatively use a preallocated buffer
std::array<char, 64uz> senddcc_str_buf;
auto last{ulf::dcc_ein::packet2senddcc_str(packet, data(senddcc_str_buf))};
auto senddcc_str_buf_len{last - cbegin(senddcc_str_buf)};

To convert a senddcc string to a packet, senddcc_str2packet can be used. In order to be able to distinguish between an error case and the case where the data is still incomplete, the return value of the functions is std::expected<std::optional<dcc::Packet>, std::errc>. If the pattern is not recognized at all, i.e. in the event of an error, then a std::errc is returned. If something is found but the data is not yet complete, a std::nullopt is returned. Otherwise the found data is returned as dcc::Packet. The following snippet shows how senddcc_str2packet can be used.

// Create DCC packet from senddcc string
auto maybe_packet{ulf::dcc_ein::senddcc_str2packet(senddcc_str)};

// Could be DCC packet
if (maybe_packet) {
  // Already complete?
  if (*maybe_packet) {
    // Complete DCC packet
    auto packet{**maybe_packet};
  // No, still missing characters
  else {}
// Error, not DCC packet
else {}

A sendbidi string can be generated from an AddressedDatagram via addressed_datagram2sendbidi_str. This POD type is basically just a struct consisting of a DCC address and a datagram. The address is necessary so that the datagram can be assigned to a decoder.

// Create sendbidi string from address and datagram
ulf::dcc_ein::AddressedDatagram addressed_datagram{
  .addr = {.value = 3u, .type = dcc::Address::Short},
  .datagram = {0xA3u, 0xACu, 0x55u, 0xB1u, 0xD2u, 0x5Au, 0xACu, 0x9Au}};
auto sendbidi_str{

Analogous to senddcc_str2packet, there is the function sendbidi_str2addressed_datagram, which can be used to convert a sendbidi string into an AddressedDatagram. Regarding the return value, it follows the same scheme as senddcc_str2packet.

// Create pair of address and datagram from sendbidi string
auto addr_datagram{ulf::dcc_ein::sendbidi_str2addressed_datagram(
  {cbegin(sendbidi_str), cend(sendbidi_str)})};
// Error checking omitted here!
auto [addr_from_str, datagram_from_str]{**addr_datagram};