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Effortlessly manage multiple lobbies with one server in your Godot games. Features auto-replication, dynamic spawning, and easy C# & GDScript integration. Perfect for creating seamless multiplayer experiences.


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Multi-Lobby System for Godot Engine

Mattoha Lobby System is an addon designed to simplify multiplayer game development in Godot using C# & GDScript, This addon offers a robust framework for managing multiple lobbies with a single server instance, allowing for dynamic and engaging multiplayer experiences.


  • Multi-Lobby Management: Easily create and manage multiple lobbies within your game.
  • Centralized Server: Streamline server management with a single server instance for all lobbies.
  • Auto Replication: Ensure consistency between clients with automatic data replication.
  • Dynamic Spawning: Seamlessly spawn and manage game entities within each lobby.
  • Easy Integration: Designed with a user-friendly API.
  • Extensibility: Customize and extend functionality to suit your game's needs.
  • ServerMiddleware: customize your Before & After almost all server events.
  • UnhandledRpc: MattohaLobbySystem allows you to send a custom RPC and handle it at your own, for both client & server.


This addon is still in devlopment stage and new versions may have a breaking changes, it needs some performance optimization too, We welcome any contributions that helps in "documentations, demos, optimizations, improvement and bug fixes" .


MattohaLobbySystem comes with demos for c# & gdscript , you can watch the demo on youtube too: Youtube demo:


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  • Godot Engine .NET 4.2+


  • You can download the source code and copy/paste the addon to your godot addons folder, then enable it from plugin tab in your project settings
  • Or you can download it from asset lib in godot engine


There is an example that comes with MattohaLobbySystem Addon , you can discover it on your own, or you can watch a youtube video .

  • Youtube [ English ] : comming soon
  • Youtube [ Arabic ] : comming soon

Getting Started

before we start, configure your .csproject to be similar to this:

<Project Sdk="Godot.NET.Sdk/4.2.2">
    <TargetFramework Condition=" '$(GodotTargetPlatform)' == 'android' ">net7.0</TargetFramework>
    <TargetFramework Condition=" '$(GodotTargetPlatform)' == 'ios' ">net8.0</TargetFramework>
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|AnyCPU'">
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='ExportRelease|AnyCPU'">

When you want to distrubite your game for players, disable MATTOHA_SERVER constant and keep MATTOHA_CLIENT, this will protect your server side code. This configuration will help you to debug your code easly.

Setting Up Nodes

after installing and enable MattohaLobbySystem, a new auto load will be exists in your project with name MattohaSystem, you can configure it from res://addons/mattoha_lobby_system/core/autoload/MattohaSystem.tscn as you want. In addition you can access the system methods as following:

  • For c#
// starting server

// starting client (connect to server)

// Creating a lobby, lobbyDictionary is a GodotDictionary<string, Variant>
var lobbyDictionary = new Godot.Collections.Dictionary<string, Variant>(){
    { "Name", "My Lobby" },
MattohaSystem.Instance.Client.CreateLobby(lobbyDictionary, "res://my_game_scene.tscn");

// listining for a creating lobby signals.
MattohaSystem.Instance.Client.CreateLobbySucceed += OnCreateLobby; // on success
MattohaSystem.Instance.Client.CreateLobbyFailed += OnCreateLobbyFailed; // on fail
  • For GDScript
# starting server

# starting client (connect to server)

# Creating a lobby, lobbyDictionary is a GodotDictionary<string, Variant>
MattohaSystemGD.client.create_lobby({"Name": "My Lobby"}, "res://my_game_scene.tscn")

# listining for a creating lobby signals.
MattohaSystemGD.client.create_lobby_succeed.connect(_on_create_lobby)         # on success
MattohaSystemGD.client.create_lobby_failed.connect(_on_create_lobby_failed_)  # on fail


When a lobby game is started, we will be listining for a StartGameSucceedsignal, that comes with the lobby dictionary, but instead of changing the scene to the game scene,

we must navigate user to a GameHolder scene, so lets setup our game holder scene.

  • Create a new scene (Node2D / Node3D).
  • Now attach MattohaGameHolder script for it, it can be found on res://addons/mattoha_lobby_system/core/nodes/MattohaGameHolder.cs.

Note that MattohaGameHolder is responsible for loading the scene and spawning / despawning lobby nodes of the game play.

  • NOTE: game holder node should be named GameHolder with the same letters cases.

Spawning/Depsawning Nodes & Replication

Every node you want to auto spawn/despawn should has a MattohaSpawner node child. MattohaSpawner has the following properties:

  • Auto Spawn when true, will spawn node for other players on _ready()
  • Auto Despawn when true, will despawn node for others when queue_free()
  • Spawn For Team Only when true, spawning the node will be only for team members.
  • HandleByServer when true, the spawning and despawning will be handled by server, and nodes authority will be the server too.
  • AdditionalProps A properties list that should be replicated for other players during spawning, eg: "velocity", "motion_mode" or "Child1/Child2/Sprite2D:self_modulate" for nested node and "Sprite2D:scale" for direct child node.

Configuring our nodes to spawn & despawn:

  • When a node is a scene node (meaning that it's already exists in scene design and it's able to be despawned) then you must set HandledByServer to true and disable Auto Spawn because its already spawned.
  • To Enable Replication Add MultiplayerSynchronizer node to the node you want to replicate and configure it and add what ever properties you want to replicate, BUT you "MUST" attach MattohaSynchronizerModifier script to MultiplayerSynchronizer node you have added.
  • When you set Spawn For Team Only to true on MattohaSpawner, you must set Replicate For Team Only in the MattohaSynchronizerModifier too.

After setting up these configurations correctly for nodes you want to spawn, you are ready to move to next step..

Creating Node instance to spawn.

Replicated nodes must have same name in the scene, and it's hard to create a custom name for every node, this is why MattohaSystem comes with a great method to help you out.

Creating node instance must be as following:

  • CSharp:
// where `scene` is a PackedScene or a scene file path for example 'res://myscene.tscn'
var instance = MattohaSystem.Instance.CreateInstance(scene);
// after creating the instance, we must add it to tree
  • GDScript:
# where `scene` in gdscript api is a scene file path for example 'res://myscene.tscn'
var instance = MattohaSystemGD.create_instance(scene)
# after creating the instance, we must add it to tree

The instance should now spawn for all players in lobby or (in same team if configured to be spawn for team only), because MattohaSpawner will auto spawn and despawn nodes for all players in same lobby or team.

There is a bunch of signals and methods you can use , check the API documentation:

Export Notes

When you export your game for the server, ensure to remove MATTOHA_CLIENT from csproject constants values for conditional compilation, same for client version, you should remove MATTOHA_SERVER for security reasons.

API Documentation


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Effortlessly manage multiple lobbies with one server in your Godot games. Features auto-replication, dynamic spawning, and easy C# & GDScript integration. Perfect for creating seamless multiplayer experiences.







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