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I'm Luis ^-^ edited this page Jul 6, 2015 · 1 revision


TrackYourPenguin is really easy to install, and you have 2 simple ways to do it.


  • PHP 5.2.0 or higher
  • MySQL 4.0 or higher
  • ZipArchive (optional: only for the updates) - It comes by default since PHP 5.2.0

Yes! just that. You don't need more. If you have those requirements, you can install TrackYourPenguin.


Before installing TrackYourPenguin, you have to download it. To download it, go to the main page and click on "Download ZIP".

Now you're ready, upload it to your hosting.

Making a database connection

There are two ways to make the database connection. In one, you just have to edit typ-config-sample.php and after you make the connection, rename it to typ-config.php.

This way is just for people who knows at least a bit about code. If you don't, do it in the second way.

How to connect

This is the easiest way. Just open TrackYourPenguin in your browser with the URL to the directory that contains it and fill the fields with the database data.

How to connect


Now, to install, you just have to add your user and the database password.

How to install

If the installation is made successfully, you will see this.

Installation done

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