A Python interface for MIDIUtil
Install with
python setup.py install
You need MIDIUtil, so
pip install MIDIUtil
To run a test, use the following command
py .\tests\test_1.py
To use, import with
from Midi_interface.Midi import Midi
Functions you can use
def set_tempo(self, tempo, time = 0):
''' sets tempo of track at a given time given the time and the tempo, defaults to start of track '''
def set_track(self, track):
''' given new track (int) switch to that track '''
def set_instrument(self, instrument_number):
''' set the instrument of current track; use this website to find your instrument: https://www.midi.org/specifications/item/gm-level-1-sound-set '''
def notes_to_midi(self, string_notes):
converts list of notes ie [G3, Ab5, f#2] (supports octaves 0 to 9 inclusive)
to notes interpreted by this midi class
def push_notes(self, new_notes, duration):
given list of note pitch and duration, push to notes and duration attribute
(new note pitch can be a list or a single note, same with duration)
def encode_track(self):
''' encodes the entirety of a single track '''
def output_mid(self, name):
given mid output name (.mid extension not needed),
the .mid extension will be added
*Note if the mid file of the same name already exists, it will be OVERWRITTEN
* Note, look at the tests if you need examples of how to implement things
But will install if you don't have it