Kattis is a repository of competitive programming questions (coding challenges). You can then submit your code and it will be evaluated
- 10kindsofpeople - C++
- 2048 - C++
- 3dprinter - C
- 4thought - Python
- 8queens - C++
- FizzBuzz - Java
- a1paper - C++
- aaah - C++
- abc - Python
- aboveaverage - C++
- acm - Python
- addingwords - Python
- addtwonumbers - Python
- akcija - C++
- almostperfect - C++
- alphabetspam - Python
- anewalphabet - Python
- ants - C
- apaxiaaans - C++
- askmarilyn - C++
- autori - Python
- babelfish - Python
- backspace - Python
- bank - C++
- basicprogramming1 - Python, C++
- basicprogramming2 - Python, C++
- batterup - Python
- beeproblem - C++
- bela - Python
- bijele - C++
- busnumbers - C++
- calculator - Python
- carrots - C++
- cd - C++
- classpicture - C++
- classy - Python
- cold - C++
- countingstars - C++
- cursethedarkness - C
- detaileddifferences - Python
- dicecup - C++
- different - Python
- distance - Python
- earlywinter - C
- echoechoecho - Python
- electricaloutlets - Python
- estimatingtheareaofacircle - Python
- everywhere - Python
- faktor - C++
- fiftyshades - Python
- filip - C++
- finalexam2 - C
- fodelsedagsmemorisering - Python
- forcedchoice - Python
- fyi - Python
- getshorty - C++
- glitchbot - C++
- grandpabernie - Python
- grassseed - C++
- greetings2 - Python
- guess - C++
- guessthedatastructure - C++
- heartrate - C++
- heimavinna - Python
- hello - Python, C, Java
- hissingmicrophone - Python
- isithalloween - Python
- jackolanternjuxtaposition - Python
- joinstrings - C++
- judgingmoose - Python
- keywords - Python
- knapsack - C++
- ladder - C++
- lastfactorialdigit - Python
- lineup - Python
- mandelbrot - C++
- matrix - C++
- mixedfractions - C++
- modulo - Python
- modulodatastructures - Python
- nastyhacks - C++
- ninetynine - C++
- nodup - Python
- numberfun - Python
- oddecho - Python
- oddities - C++
- oddmanout - Python
- onechicken - Python
- ozljeda - C++
- pet - Python
- phonelist - C++
- pieceofcake2 - C++
- pivot - C++
- planina - C++
- plantingtrees - Python
- pot - C
- proofs - Python
- qaly - C++
- quadrant - C++
- quickbrownfox - C++
- quickestimate - Python
- r2 - C++
- reverse - C++
- reversebinary - Python
- sequences - Python
- server - C++
- sevenwonders - Python
- shortestpath1 - C++
- sibice - C++
- simonsays - Python
- simplearithmetic - C++
- sortofsorting - Python
- spavanac - C++
- speedLimit - Python
- stopwatch - Python
- sumkindofproblem - C++
- tarifa - C++
- telephones - Python
- teque - C++
- timeloop - C++
- trainboarding - Python
- tri - Python
- trik - Python
- tripletexting - Python
- tsp - C++
- twostones - C++
- twosum - Python
- unionfind - C++
- vaccineefficacy - Python
- vote - Python
- zamka - C++
Count: 131
Score: 302.7
Rank: 2331