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[ACTIVE] Simple Stack, a backstack library / navigation framework for simpler navigation and state management (for fragments, views, or whatevers).


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Simple Stack

Why do I want this?

To make navigation to another screen as simple as backstack.goTo(SomeScreen()), and going back as simple as backstack.goBack().

No more FragmentTransactions in random places. Predictable and customizable navigation in a single location.

What is Simple Stack?

Simple Stack is a backstack library (or technically, a navigation framework) that allows you to represent your navigation state in a list of immutable, parcelable data classes ("keys").

This allows preserving your navigation history across configuration changes and process death - this is handled automatically.

Each screen can be associated with a scope, or a shared scope - to easily share data between screens.

This simplifies navigation and state management within an Activity using either fragments, views, or whatever else.

Using Simple Stack

In order to use Simple Stack, you need to add jitpack to your project root build.gradle.kts (or build.gradle):

// build.gradle.kts
allprojects {
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven { setUrl("") }
    // ...


// build.gradle
allprojects {
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven { url "" }
    // ...

In newer projects, you need to also update the settings.gradle file's dependencyResolutionManagement block:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }  // <--
        jcenter() // Warning: this repository is going to shut down soon

and then, add the dependency to your module's build.gradle.kts (or build.gradle):

// build.gradle.kts


// build.gradle
implementation 'com.github.Zhuinden:simple-stack:2.9.0'
implementation 'com.github.Zhuinden:simple-stack-extensions:2.3.4'

How do I use it?

You can check out the tutorials for simple examples.


With Fragments, in AHEAD_OF_TIME back handling mode to support predictive back gesture (along with android:enableBackInvokedCallback), the Activity code looks like this:

  • With simple-stack-extensions:lifecycle-ktx
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), SimpleStateChanger.NavigationHandler {
    private lateinit var fragmentStateChanger: FragmentStateChanger
    private lateinit var backstack: Backstack

    private val backPressedCallback = object : OnBackPressedCallback(false) { // <-- !
        override fun handleOnBackPressed() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


        onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(backPressedCallback) // <-- !

        fragmentStateChanger = FragmentStateChanger(supportFragmentManager,

        backstack = Navigator.configure()
            .setBackHandlingModel(BackHandlingModel.AHEAD_OF_TIME) // <-- !
            .install(this, binding.container, History.single(HomeKey))

        backPressedCallback.isEnabled = backstack.willHandleAheadOfTimeBack() // <-- !
        backstack.observeAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChanged(this, backPressedCallback::isEnabled::set) // <-- ! from lifecycle-ktx
    override fun onNavigationEvent(stateChange: StateChange) {
  • Without simple-stack-extensions:lifecycle-ktx
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), SimpleStateChanger.NavigationHandler {
    private lateinit var fragmentStateChanger: FragmentStateChanger
    private lateinit var backstack: Backstack

    private val backPressedCallback = object : OnBackPressedCallback(false) { // <-- !
        override fun handleOnBackPressed() {

    private val updateBackPressedCallback = AheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener { // <-- !
        backPressedCallback.isEnabled = it // <-- !

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


        onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(backPressedCallback) // <-- !

        fragmentStateChanger = FragmentStateChanger(supportFragmentManager,

        backstack = Navigator.configure()
            .setBackHandlingModel(BackHandlingModel.AHEAD_OF_TIME) // <-- !
            .install(this, binding.container, History.single(HomeKey))

        backPressedCallback.isEnabled = backstack.willHandleAheadOfTimeBack() // <-- !
        backstack.addAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener(updateBackPressedCallback) // <-- !

    override fun onDestroy() {
        backstack.removeAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener(updateBackPressedCallback); // <-- !

    override fun onNavigationEvent(stateChange: StateChange) {

With targetSdkVersion 34 and with android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true" enabled, onBackPressed ( and KEYCODE_BACK) will no longer be called. In that case, the AHEAD_OF_TIME back handling model should be preferred.


FirstScreen looks like this (assuming you have data object enabled):

kotlinOptions {
    jvmTarget = "1.8"
    languageVersion = '1.9' // data objects, 1.8 in 1.7.21, 1.9 in 1.8.10

kotlin.sourceSets.all {
// no args
data object FirstScreen : DefaultFragmentKey() {
    override fun instantiateFragment(): Fragment = FirstFragment()

If you don't have data object support yet, then no-args keys look like this (to ensure stable hashCode/equals/toString):

// no args
data class FirstScreen(private val noArgsPlaceholder: String = ""): DefaultFragmentKey() {
    override fun instantiateFragment(): Fragment = FirstFragment()

// has args
data class FirstScreen(
    val username: String, 
    val password: String,
): DefaultFragmentKey() {
    override fun instantiateFragment(): Fragment = FirstFragment()

And FirstFragment looks like this:

class FirstFragment: KeyedFragment(R.layout.first_fragment) {
    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)

        val key: FirstScreen = getKey() // params

After which going to the second screen is as simple as backstack.goTo(SecondScreen()).


To simplify sharing data/state between screens, a screen key can implement ScopeKey.

The scope is described with a String tag, and services bound to that scope can be configured via ScopedServices.

Services bound to a ServiceBinder get lifecycle callbacks: ScopedServices.Registered, ScopedServices.Activated, or Bundleable.

This lets you easily share a class between screens, while still letting you handle Android's lifecycles seamlessly.

Using the simple-stack-extensions, this can be simplified using the DefaultServiceProvider.

It looks like this:

    /* ... */

And then:

@Parcelize // typically data class
data object FirstScreen: DefaultFragmentKey(), DefaultServiceProvider.HasServices {
    override fun instantiateFragment(): Fragment = FirstFragment()

    override fun getScopeTag() = toString()

    override fun bindServices(serviceBinder: ServiceBinder) {
        with(serviceBinder) {

class FirstScopedModel : Bundleable, ScopedServices.Registered { // interfaces are optional

class FirstFragment : KeyedFragment(R.layout.first_fragment) {
    private val firstModel by lazy { lookup<FirstScopedModel>() }


class SecondFragment : KeyedFragment(R.layout.second_fragment) {
    private val firstModel by lazy { lookup<FirstScopedModel>() } // <- available if FirstScreen is in the backstack


And FirstScopedModel is shared between two screens.

Any additional shared scopes on top of screen scopes can be defined using ScopeKey.Child.

What are additional benefits?

Making your navigation state explicit means you're in control of your application.

Instead of hacking around with the right fragment transaction tags, or calling NEW_TASK | CLEAR_TASK and making the screen flicker - you can just say backstack.setHistory(History.of(SomeScreen(), OtherScreen()) and that is now your active navigation history.

Using Backstack to navigate allows you to move navigation responsibilities out of your view layer. No need to run FragmentTransactions directly in a click listener each time you want to move to a different screen. No need to mess around with LiveData<Event<T>> or SingleLiveData to get your "view" to decide what state your app should be in either.

class FirstScopedModel(private val backstack: Backstack) {
    fun doSomething() {
        // ...

Another additional benefit is that your navigation history can be unit tested.

assertThat(backstack.getHistory()).containsExactly(SomeScreen, OtherScreen)

And most importantly, navigation (swapping screens) happens in one place, and you are in direct control of what happens in such a scenario. By writing a StateChanger, you can set up "how to display my current navigation state" in any way you want. No more ((MainActivity)getActivity()).setTitleText("blah"); inside Fragment's onStart().

Write once, works in all cases.

override fun onNavigationEvent(stateChange: StateChange) { // using SimpleStateChanger
    val newScreen = stateChange.topNewKey<MyScreen>() // use your new navigation state


    ... // set up fragments, set up views, whatever you want

Whether you navigate forward or backward, or you rotate the screen, or you come back after low memory condition - it's irrelevant. The StateChanger will always handle the scenario in a predictable way.

Dev Talk about Simple-Stack

For an overview of the "why" and the "what" of what Simple-Stack offers, you can check out this talk called Simplified Single-Activity Apps using Simple-Stack .

Tutorial by Ryan Kay

For a quick tutorial on how to set up dependency injection, model lifecycles, and reactive state management using Simple-Stack, you can look at the tutorial by Ryan Michael Kay here, by clicking this link.)

More information

For more information, check the wiki page.

What about Jetpack Compose?

See for a default way to use composables as screens.

This however is only required if ONLY composables are used, and NO fragments. When using Fragments, refer to the official Fragment Compose interop guide.

For Fragment + Simple-Stack + Compose integration, you can also check the corresponding sample .

About the event-bubbling back handling model

This section is provided for those who are transitioning from event-bubbling to the ahead-of-time back handling model (OnBackPressedDispatcher), but cannot use the ahead-of-time model yet (due to relying on onBackPressed() or KEYCODE_BACK).

Note: Before supporting predictive back gestures and using EVENT_BUBBLING back handling model, the code that interops with OnBackPressedDispatcher looks like this:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), SimpleStateChanger.NavigationHandler {
    private lateinit var fragmentStateChanger: DefaultFragmentStateChanger

    private val backPressedCallback = object: OnBackPressedCallback(true) {
        override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
            if (!Navigator.onBackPressed(this@MainActivity)) {
                onBackPressed() // this is the reliable way to handle back for now 
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(backPressedCallback) // this is the reliable way to handle back for now

        val binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
        fragmentStateChanger = DefaultFragmentStateChanger(supportFragmentManager,
            .install(this, binding.container, History.single(HomeKey))

    override fun onNavigationEvent(stateChange: StateChange) {

To handle back previously, what you had to do is override onBackPressed() (then call backstack.goBack(), if it returned true then you would not call super.onBackPressed()) , but in order to support BackHandler in Compose, or Fragments that use OnBackPressedDispatcher internally, you cannot override onBackPressed anymore in a reliable manner.

Now, either this should be used (if cannot migrate to AHEAD_OF_TIME back handling model), or migrate to AHEAD_OF_TIME back handling model and AheadOfTimeBackCallback (see example at the start of this readme).


Copyright 2017-2023 Gabor Varadi

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.