MM-Randomizer v1.9.3.0
released this
23 Oct 07:01
2775 commits
to master
since this release
- Updated Casual Logic: All Night's Mask now correctly requires some way to stop or kill Sakon. Ocean Skulltula Entrance Web now correctly requires Explosives. Added B swords as conditionals for defeating Twinmold.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the god damned Bottled items issue.
- Fixed swamp shooting gallery rewarding a red rupee when getting perfect for a 2nd time without getting 2180 points. Instead it now rewards the Largest Quiver check again.
- Fixed two barn cows remaining in the barn at night after being abducted by aliens.
- Fixed Mayor not giving an item if you've already talked to him.
- Fixed Poe Hut giving an extra 50 rupees.
- Fixed Snowhead Icicle Room Wall fairy chest not being affected by chest update option.