Google (and more) tiled-based maps developed directly for Starling and Feathers and optimized for mobile devices (Adobe AIR).
var mapOptions:MapOptions = new MapOptions();
mapOptions.initialCenter = new Point(14.4777357, 50.1017711);
mapOptions.initialScale = 1 / 32;
mapOptions.disableRotation = true;
var geoMap:GeoMap = new GeoMap(mapOptions);
geoMap.setSize(stage.stageWidth - 100, stage.stageHeight - 100);
geoMap.x = geoMap.y = 50;
var googleMaps:MapLayerOptions = Maps.GOOGLE_MAPS;
googleMaps.notUsedZoomThreshold = 1;
geoMap.addLayer("googleMaps", googleMaps);
Some map providers supports HiDPI tiles.
var mapScale:Number = 2; // use 1 for non-retina displays
GeoUtils.scale = mapScale;
var googleMaps:MapLayerOptions = Maps.GOOGLE_MAPS_SCALED(mapScale); // it simply takes hdpi tiles from google
googleMaps.notUsedZoomThreshold = 1;
geoMap.addLayer("googleMaps", googleMaps);
var markerTexture:Texture = Texture.fromEmbeddedAsset(MarkerClass);
for (var i:int = 0; i < 100; i++) {
var image:Image = new Image(markerTexture);
image.alignPivot(HAlign.CENTER, VAlign.BOTTOM);
geoMap.addMarkerLongLat("marker" + i, mapOptions.initialCenter.x + .1 - Math.random() * .2, mapOptions.initialCenter.y + .1 - Math.random() * .2, image);
You can use all the features (mask, filters, rotations, Sprite3D, etc.) of Starling!
// greyscale filter
var colorMatrixFilter:ColorMatrixFilter = new ColorMatrixFilter();
colorMatrixFilter.adjustSaturation( -1);
geoMap.filter = colorMatrixFilter;
// circle mask
var mask:Canvas = new Canvas();
mask.drawCircle(0, 0, 120);
geoMap.mask = mask;
- Starling 2.0
- Feathers 3.0 beta
- AIR 19+