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Relevant Scientific Evidence Retrieval and Verification API for Climate impact related queries


The API is created to perform scientific verification of claims extracted from Climate Change related news articles in order to detect potential inaccuracies of the latter.

OpenApi specification of this API

General workflow

flowchart TB
   subgraph client1 [Streamlit Client]
      A(Media Article text or URL) --> COR{"Co-reference resolution \n (Optional)"}
      COR -->|Split into sentences| S1("Sentence 1")
      COR -->|Split into sentences| S2("Sentence 2")
      COR -->|Split into sentences| SN("...")
      S1 --> CR{"Climate related?\n (Optional)"}
      S2 --> CR
      SN --> CR
      CR -->|Yes| IC{"Is a claim? \n(Optional)"}
      CR --No --x N[ Ignore ]
      IC --No --x N1[Ignore]
   subgraph API
      IC -- Yes ---> E["Retrieve Top k most similar evidences"]
      E:::curAppNode --> R["Re-rank using citation metrics (Optional)"]
      R:::curAppNode --> VC[["Verify with Climate-BERT based model"]]
   subgraph client2 [ Streamlit Client ]
      R ---> VM[["Verify with MultiVerS"]]
      VC:::curAppNode --> D["Display predictions"]
      VM --> D
    style R stroke:#808080,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
    style CR stroke:#808080,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
    style COR stroke:#808080,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
    style IC stroke:#808080,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
    style API fill:#E9EAE0,color:#E7625F
    classDef curAppNode fill:#F7BEC0,color:#C85250,stroke:#E7625F
    linkStyle 10,11 stroke:#F7BEC0,stroke-width:4px,color:#C85250,background-color:#F7BEC0


Main functionality

The API performs 2 main tasks

  • Evidence retrieval for given claim(s) under all evidence endpoints
  • Evidence retrieval + verification for given claim(s) under all vefify endpoints
  • Supplementary task of splitting text into sentences under split endpoint to enable Chrome extension functioning

Scientific evidences index and database

Please refer to the dedicated Evidence database creation section

Most relevant evidence retrieval

Performed using Haystack framework that facilitates fast dense vector retrieval and the sentence encoder models described here The number of evidence candidates to retrieve is defined by the top_k parameter

Evidence Re-ranking

If the re_rank parameter is set to true the following actions are performed

  1. 5 more than the set top_k most semantically similar evidence candidates get retrieved for each input claim.
  2. The candidate evidences get sorted in descending order according to the following parameters:
    1. Number of influential citations i.e., citations that indicate that the cited work is used or extended in the new effort [1]
    2. Number of all citations
    3. Publication year

Model for claim verification against retrieved evidence

Climatebert-fact-checking model available from huggingface. It's a ClimateBERT [2] model fine-tuned on CLIMATE-FEVER dataset [3]

Split into sentences

Spacy "en_core_web_sm" pipeline is used for text segmentation task
This model is the smallest and the fastest and according to spacy's Accuracy Evaluation has the same metric values as the bigger CPU-optimized models

API description

In all the examples below batch endpoint accepts an array of input sentences rather than a single sentence

abstract Endpoints

All the following endpoints perform searches against the database with the full scientific article abstracts



phrase Endpoints

All the following endpoints perform searches against the database with the scientific article abstracts broken into individual phrases



Formal description of the API

Local development and deployment

Please refer to the Technical documentation


  1. Valenzuela-Escarcega, M.A., Ha, V.A., & Etzioni, O. (2015). Identifying Meaningful Citations. AAAI Workshop: Scholarly Big Data.
  2. Webersinke, N., Kraus, M., Bingler, J. A., & Leippold, M. (2021). Climatebert: A pretrained language model for climate-related text. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.12010.
  3. Diggelmann, Thomas; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Bulian, Jannis; Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Leippold, Markus (2020). CLIMATE-FEVER: A Dataset for Verification of Real-World Climate Claims. In: Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning workshop at NeurIPS 2020, Online, 11 December 2020 - 11 December 2020.


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