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Build Status Stories in Ready

1. See it in action

You can:

  1. use direct link to tech-radar service
  2. watch a nice demo video:

2. Prerequisites

  • OpenJDK 7 or Oracle JDK 8
  • Leiningen 2.5 or later
  • Git
  • PostgreSQL 9.4 or later

3. PostgreSQL settings

Default database is tech_radar, default user is postgres, default password is postgres. You can change these settings with database parameter in project.clj file (development) and .lein-env file (production).

4. Twitter security settings

tech-radar receives data from Twitter stream. You need to create a file called twitter-security.edn in the project folder with the following content:

{:app-key           "your app key"
 :app-secret        "your app secret"
 :user-token        "your user token"
 :user-token-secret "your user token secret"}

5. Build from sources

Clone tech-radar repository

git clone git://

Build with script


frontend-release folder contains frontend application backend-release folder contains backend application and all the settings and security files

6. Deployment to Ubuntu 14.04 server

  1. deploy/ file contains everything you need to setup environment for tech-radar under Ubuntu server
  2. put deploy/tech-radar.conf file to /etc/init/ folder
  3. copy backend-release folder to your server

Instead of #3 I use the following

  1. set SCPTECHRADAR variable to your username@address:path-to-copy-zip-archive
  2. run script (it builds the app and uploads backend and frontend)

7. Future work

  1. Make more backend tests, at least analysis tests
  2. Use Om.Next for frontend
  3. Make frontend tests

I would appreciate any help.


Copyright (c) Andrey Butov. All rights reserved. The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 ( which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.


Technology radar in Clojure/ClojureScript







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
