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Issuing Pull Requests For Corrections

Matt Post edited this page Sep 6, 2024 · 2 revisions

Corrections to the ACL Anthology are accumulated in batches and then merged and made live at the beginning of each month.

If you want your correction to go live faster, and the correction relates only to the paper's metadata (authors, title, abstract, etc), and does not require changes to the PDF, you can expedite the process by fixing it yourself and creating a pull request (PR). These we can quickly merge and approve, and your fix can be made live as quickly as 20 minutes, if we see it right away.

To do this, follow these instructions.

  1. Locate the Anthology ID for your paper. It is in the paper's URL, and will have either the pre-2020 format (e.g., P19-1001) or the new format (e.g., 2024.acl-long.1).

  2. Find the XML file that contains the entry for your paper. For all IDs, this is the portion before the hyphen (e.g., P19 or 2024.acl), followed by the .xml extension (e.g., P19.xml or 2024.acl.xml). All XML files are stored under data/xml.

  3. Find your paper's entry in that file by searching for the Anthology ID from step 1. Make the appropriate edits, save and commit them, and then initiate a pull request. For smaller XML files, you may be able to issue your correction by directly editing the XML file in your browser.

That's it! Anthology staff will notice the PR and will approve it or provide feedback, if necessary.