This puzzle was launched during the e6th STePS at School of Computing at National University in Singapore.
I will write down 14 distinct numbers, and randomly stick them on everyone's back, so everyone will be attached to a number. You can see all other's numbers on their back, but not your own. Then I will give you 14 pieces of empty paper, you need to make a choice independently and write fow either 0
or 1
on it. After this, I will place you in a queue, ordered by the value of the number on your back. Then you may show the paper you just wrote. If the 0
appeared alternatively in the queue, i.e. 010101... or 101010... everyone in the team will get a one-month bonus. Otherwise, you all get one month's salary deducted.
You may discuss your strategy now, but afterwards, any form of communicating among you will not be allowed.
The leader's face was as overcast as the dark sky outside. He did some quick calculations. While everyone has a 1/2 chance of making right choice, together, the team has only a (1/2)^(14-1)= 0.01 % chance of choosing all right. The game was as good as lost. He wondered if he should start giving dance lessons to make up for the lost salary...