A .NET implementation of the Asana REST API http://developer.asana.com/
This open-source project uses the MIT license.
To use AsanaNet, start by creating an instance of the Asana service. You can find your API key here.
var asana = new Asana(YOUR_API_KEY, AuthenticationType.Basic, errorCallback);
All 'Get' requests are asynchronous and so must be accompanied by a callback. For example, to get the current user's information:
asana.GetMe(o =>
var user = o as AsanaUser;
Console.WriteLine("Hello, " + user.Name);
It is also possible to make them synchronize, by adding .Wait();
Additionally, since the methods always return a task, you can await
them within an async
method, or another task.
asana.GetMe(o =>
var user = o as AsanaUser;
Console.WriteLine("Hello, " + user.Name);
To get a list of workspaces the current user has access to:
asana.GetWorkspaces(o =>
foreach (AsanaWorkspace workspace in o)
Console.WriteLine("Workspace: " + workspace.Name);
To create a new task:
AsanaTask newTask1 = new AsanaTask(workspace);
newTask1.Name = "Pick up the milk!";
newTask1.Notes = "Proper semi-skimmed milk. None of that UHT rubbish.";
newTask1.Assignee = me;
newTask1.DueOn = DateTime.Now.AddHours(2);
The error callback method may be in the following form:
static void errorCallback(string s1, string s2, string s3)
Also, if you don't want handling anything, you can just pass an empty lambda into the constructor:
_asana = new Asana(_apiKey, AuthenticationType.Basic, (s1, s2, s3) => {});
- Certain versions of Visual Studio (usually 2013 and above) don't ship with T4. If this is the case, you can install T4 via NuGet (https://www.nuget.org/packages/T4/)