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james rea edited this page May 29, 2018 · 5 revisions

Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Multiple Choice Question in action Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) is a question component bundled with the Adapt framework.

Possible answers are accompanied by a radio button or checkbox, depending on whether a single answer or multiple answers are required. Upon submission, feedback is provided via the Tutor extension, if installed. Feedback can be provided for correct, incorrect and partially correct answers. The number of attempts allowed may be configured. GMCQ is a variation that includes a graphic.

Visit the page dedicated to Usage and Tips.


As one of Adapt's core components, MCQ is included with the installation of the Adapt framework and the installation of the Adapt authoring tool.

  • If MCQ has been uninstalled from the Adapt framework, it may be reinstalled. With the Adapt CLI installed, run the following from the command line:
    adapt install adapt-contrib-mcq

  • If MCQ has been uninstalled from the Adapt authoring tool, it may be reinstalled using the Plug-in Manager.


The settings listed below are the properties that may be configured within the authoring tool. Listed first is the name of the property as it is presented in the authoring tool. It is followed in parentheses by the property as it is used in the MCQ source code. Finally, an explanation is provided to help the course author better utilize the property.

The relationship between MCQ's properties and the way they are presented in the authoring tool’s interface is governed by properties.schema.

Title (title): A reference title for the component. Title is distinct from the Display Title which, if present, appears above the component. If Display Title is rather long, Title provides the opportunity to use a shortened form in tighter spaces, such as in a menu or in the drawer.

Display Title (displayTitle): Optional text that will display as a title above the component. It can be used as a headline. In the authoring tool, Title and Display Title may be linked for easy input. Click the chain icon to toggle linking.

Body (body): Optional text that appears above the component. It can be used in a variety of ways, including as an introduction to the content in the component. HTML is permitted.

Instruction (instruction): This optional text appears above the component. It is frequently used to guide the learner’s interaction with the component.

Classes (_classes): Custom classes predefined in the theme's Less files may be applied to this component. To do this, enter the name of the CSS class. If using more than one class, separate each with a space.

Layout (_layout): This defines the horizontal position of the component in the block that contains it. This property is set when the component is being added to the block. When Add to left or Add to right is selected, another component can occupy the space next to it. If Add is selected, the component spans the width of the containing block.

Attempts (_attempts): This specifies the number of times a learner is allowed to submit an answer.

Should Display Attempts (_shouldDisplayAttempts): Determines whether or not the text set in Final Attempt Text and Attempts Remaining Text will be displayed. These two attributes are part of the core buttons attribute group.

Randomised Items (_isRandom): Setting this value to true will cause the Items to appear in a random order each time the component is loaded.

Question Weight (_questionWeight): A number which reflects the significance of the question in relation to the other questions in the course. This number is used in calculations of the final score reported to the LMS.

Selectable Items (_selectable): Defines the number of Items, or answers, that can be selected. If the value of Selectable Items is 1, Items will be presented with HTML radio buttons. If the value is greater than 1, they will be presented with HTML checkboxes. This number must match the number of Items whose Should Be Selected is set to true.

Items (_items): Each item represents one choice for the multiple choice question and contains values for Item Text, Should Be Selected, and Option Specific Feedback.

Item Text (text): Text that comprises the multiple choice option.

Should Be Selected (_shouldBeSelected): Determines whether the item must be selected for the answer to be correct. Value can be true or false. The value of Selectable Items must correspond to the total number of Items where Should Be Selected is set to true.

Option Specific Feedback (feedback): This attribute is used only when the value for Selectable Items is set to 1 (i.e., questions that require radio buttons, not checkboxes). This text will be shown if the learner selects this item, and it is an incorrect answer.

Feedback (_feedback): If the Tutor extension is enabled, these various texts will be displayed depending on the submitted answer. Feedback contains values for three types of answers: Correct, Incorrect, and Partly Correct.

Correct (correct): Text that will be displayed when the submitted answer is correct.

Incorrect Feedback (_incorrect): Texts that will be displayed when the submitted answer is incorrect. It contains values that are displayed under differing conditions: Final and Not Final.

Incorrect Final (final): Text that will be displayed when the submitted answer is incorrect and no more attempts are permitted.

Incorrect Not Final (notFinal): Text that will be displayed when the submitted answer is incorrect while more attempts are permitted.

Partly Correct Feedback (_partlyCorrect): Texts that will be displayed when the submitted answer is partially correct. It contains values that are displayed under differing conditions: Final and Not Final.

Partly Correct Final (final): Text that will be displayed when the submitted answer is partly correct and no more attempts are permitted.

Partly Correct Not Final (notFinal): Text that will be displayed when the submitted answer is partly correct while more attempts are permitted.


No known limitations.