No-nonsense Twitch chat overlay that I use as an OBS browser source, Creative Commons licensed.
Getting Started in OBS Studio
- Create a browser source, and position/size it however you'd like. Personally, I like 400x600 px, and that's where I've tested it.
- Set the URL to<CHANNEL>
, and change <CHANNEL> to the name of the channel you want to display.
If you're good with CSS, you should be fine. I recommend reviewing the CSS in index.html
. Individual chat messages are stored in div#chat-box
. Chat message markup looks like this:
<div class="chat-line" data-nick="addiment_lc" data-time="4294967295" data-id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">
<div class="badge-box">
<img class="badge">
<span class="nick" style="color: #ff1040;">addiment_lc</span><span class="separator"></span><span class="message">test message! <img class="emote"></span>
- I don't plan on supporting raids, and I don't know whether or not they work.
- Deleted messages are removed from the chatbox, and clearing the chat should also work.
- Badges are planned, but require extra API setup that I don't particularly feel like doing right now.
- BetterTTV / FrankerFacez support is planned, but also requires extra setup that I also don't feel like doing.
- No reconnection right now, coming as soon as I get bothered by it.