This plugin allows you to store your flows and library entries in MongoDB.
The plugin creates a collection per entity type and save each entity seperatly which lead to increased performance.
For this one, you'll need a separate script to start your Node Red, as per the guide for running a custom Node-Red inside your process:
You can also check my example node-red-app in the github repository: node red quickstart with node-red-mongo-storage-plugin
Firstly, require the module:
npm install --save node-red-mongo-storage-plugin
Then, in your settings, add:
var settings = {
storageModule : require("node-red-mongo-storage-plugin"),
storageModuleOptions: {
mongoUrl: 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
//also possible
database: 'local',
//set the collection name that the module would be using
flows: "nodered-flows",
credentials: "nodered-credentials",
settings: "nodered-settings",
sessions: "nodered-sessions"
Your storageModuleOptions
could also be injected with env variables
credit to: freefoote for creating the npm package node-red-flows-mongo which help me made this one.
1.Add tests 2.Create an abstraction over mongoHandler for reusing with different types of databases.