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Alan v. Drake edited this page Oct 16, 2022 · 23 revisions

InvWindow functions and properties

InvWindow is a subclass of GUIControl and therefore inherits all GUIControl's functions and properties in addition to its own, which are listed below.



Scrolls the inventory window down one line, if there are more items to display. If the inventory window is already at the bottom, then nothing happens.

You would usually use this in response to a GUI button press on a Down arrow button on your GUI.



will scroll the invMain inv window down one row.

See also: InvWindow.ScrollUp, InvWindow.TopItem



Scrolls the inventory window up one line, if there are more items to display. If the inventory window is already at the top, then nothing happens.

You would usually use this in response to a GUI button press on an Up arrow button on your GUI.



will scroll the invMain inv window up one row.

See also: InvWindow.ScrollDown, InvWindow.TopItem


Character* InvWindow.CharacterToUse;

Gets/sets which character the inventory window is currently displaying the inventory for. This is either set to a specific character, or it can be set to null, in which case the inventory window will track the current player character (this is the default).


invMain.CharacterToUse = cJack;

will change the invMain inventory window to display character JACK's inventory.


readonly InventoryItem* InvWindow.ItemAtIndex[];

Gets the inventory item that is currently displayed at the specified index in this inventory window. The number of items in the window can be retrieved with the ItemCount property. Indexes range from 0 to ItemCount - 1.

If an invalid index is supplied, null is returned.


String firstOne = invMain.ItemAtIndex[0].Name;
Display("First item is %s.", firstOne);

will display the name of the first item displayed in the invMain inventory window.

See also: InvWindow.ItemCount


(Formerly known as game.num_inv_items, which is now obsolete)

readonly int InvWindow.ItemCount;

Gets the total number of items contained in the inventory window. This will tend to equal the total number of items that the character has (though it may not if the "Display multiple items multiple times" game setting is not checked).


if (invMain.ItemCount > (invMain.ItemsPerRow * invMain.RowCount)) {
    btnInvUp.Enabled = true;
    btnInvDown.Enabled = false;

will enable the GUI buttons btnInvUp and btnInvDown if there are more inventory items than will fit in the inventory window.

See also: InvWindow.ItemAtIndex, InvWindow.ItemsPerRow, InvWindow.RowCount


(Formerly known as SetInvDimensions, which is now obsolete)

int InvWindow.ItemHeight;

Gets/sets the height of the rows in the inventory window. You should generally set this up in game_start to the height of your largest inventory item. The default is 22.


invMain.ItemWidth = 50;
invMain.ItemHeight = 30;

sets the invMain inventory window to use item cells 50x30 large.

See also: InvWindow.ItemWidth, InvWindow.RowCount


(Formerly known as SetInvDimensions, which is now obsolete)

int InvWindow.ItemWidth;

Gets/sets the width of the items in the inventory window. You should generally set this up in game_start to the width of your largest inventory item. The default is 40.


invMain.ItemWidth = 50;
invMain.ItemHeight = 30;

sets the invMain inventory window to use item cells 50x30 large.

See also: InvWindow.ItemHeight, InvWindow.ItemsPerRow


(Formerly known as game.items_per_line, which is now obsolete)

readonly int InvWindow.ItemsPerRow;

Gets the number of items that can be displayed in each row of the inventory window. This is calculated by the width of the inventory window divided by the individual ItemWidth.


Display("The inventory window can show %d items at a time", invMain.ItemsPerRow * invMain.RowCount);

displays how many items can be visible in the invMain window at once.

See also: InvWindow.ItemWidth, InvWindow.RowCount


readonly int InvWindow.RowCount;

Gets the number of rows that can be displayed within the inventory window. This is calculated by dividing the height of the window by the individual ItemHeight.


Display("The inventory window can show %d items at a time", invMain.ItemsPerRow * invMain.RowCount);

displays how many items can be visible in the invMain window at once.

See also: InvWindow.ItemHeight, InvWindow.ItemsPerRow


(Formerly known as game.top_inv_item, which is now obsolete)

int InvWindow.TopItem;

Gets/sets the index of the first item currently displayed in the inventory window. The first item is represented by 0, and the last item is has an index of ItemCount - 1.

You can use this to work out whether to display scroll arrows or not.


if (invMain.TopItem > 0) {
    btnScrollUp.Visible = true;
else {
    btnScrollUp.Visible = false;

makes the btnScrollUp button visible or invisible depending on whether the inventory list can be scrolled up.

See also: InvWindow.ItemCount

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