Inter-NIT communication platform
- Lack of a platform for collaborative research among NITs
- Huge gap between industries and technically gifted students.
The CommuNITTy software is a web application that can help overcome the aforementioned problems. The application connects industrialists to students and college clubs, as well as research enthusiasts with like minded individuals in the country.
- Node.JS
- MongoDB
- Express
- Student can initially create a profile and upload resume.
- Create projects on which they want to collaborate with other students.
- Request for joining other students projects.
- Accept others students into projects that the student owns.
- Students can use the project discussion thread to communicate with other users regarding the project.
- Students can accept funds to the project he owns if he is willing to add some functionalities as requested by the funder.
- Industrialists can create problem statements which they would like the students to solve for them.
- They can also pay a compensation for the same.
- Students can send proposals for problem statements given by the industrialists.
- Industialists can review proposals for a particular problem statement, compare their profiles, resumes and their proposals and decide upon whom to give the project to.
- Industrialists can also fund projects on which students are working currently.
- Projects have a public or private setting. Open Source projects are made public and everyone can view/comment on the project discussion thread. Whereas in case of a private project only the members of the project can do so.