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Xi Zhang committed Sep 19, 2023
1 parent 46111cc commit 07e386a
Showing 1 changed file with 29 additions and 12 deletions.
41 changes: 29 additions & 12 deletions public/index.html
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Expand Up @@ -33,23 +33,32 @@ <h1>Culture Bobbin</h1>
Made in China, reared in Texas. East Coast schooled, West Coast worked.
I value health, and growth, and believe in intrinsic motivation over extrinsic ones.
I like EVERYTHING, and I try to like EVERYONE.
My name is
<span class="bold">Xi</span>.
I currently work as an engineer in Web3 on data sovereignty projects!
I currently work as an engineer in Web3 on data sovereignty projects.
Heritage belongs to the world, but freedom and choice during our lifetimes empowers us to pursue those fixed stars.
Once upon a time, I studied cultural anthropology. I enjoy culture shock that much.
My cooking goal is to include a dish from every ethnographic group.
<h3>This page</h3>
was made lovingly by hand without any JavaScript.
HTML ought to be written the way Bordier makes Yuzu butter.
I prioritize intrinsic motivation over extrinsic ones, and value health and growth.
Health has four components, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Join me if we are ever in the same place
for a run! #functionalfitness
I pray that I will one day be blessed with ambitious daughters and kind sons.
If I could only pick three stats, I'd ask them to work on kindness, curiousity, and determination.
Expand All @@ -60,23 +69,31 @@ <h3>Apache blessing</h3>
and may you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life.
<h3>This page</h3>
contains no JavaScript and was made lovingly by hand without using a framework.
HTML ought to be written the way Bordier makes Yuzu butter.
<h3>Social Media</h3>
<p>Most frequently used to least, but you should really just email me.</p>
<div class="social-media">
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