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A performant Ruby JSON Serializer DSL for Oj. ToJson uses the brand new Oj StringSerializer to provide the fastest performance and lowest possible memory footprint.

Why? Because current Ruby JSON serialisers take too long and use too much memory or can't express all valid JSON structures.

ToJson is ORM and ruby web framework agnostic and designed for serving fast and flexible JSON APIs.

ToJson is able to serialize an impressive 1.4 million operations a second on a 4 core laptop when running multiple ruby processes.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

Do this for now:

gem 'to_json', github: 'ahacking/to_json'


gem 'to_json'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install to_json



The following goals were the drivers and rationale behind ToJson:

  • Ability to express any JSON structure with a simple DSL
  • Performance. Existing solutions spend far too much time generating JSON and this costs money and power. Server hosting is not free and needlesly burning power and deploying more servers because of rendering overhehad should be avoided.

Design Choices

Oj for fast JSON encoding

Leveraging Oj from the start was a deliberate technology choice. The Oj gem is as close to native C as anyone is likely to get in Ruby.

I developed a JSON serializer that built temporary Array and Hash structures to be passed to Oj#dump. This worked well and was already faster than exisitng JSON serializers. However I thought we could do better...

Streaming architecture

I had the idea that a streaming serializer would be architecturally superior (more flexible) and as fast (or faster) and use less memory than an approach that builds temporary array and hash stuctures. The Oj author also saw merit in the idea and implemented a new StringSerializer to support a serialization model where you can push objects in one end and get JSON out the other without using temporary structures. This proved to be slightly faster than building temporary arrays and hashes in synthetic benchmarks but it also results in less memory overhead which will be a bigger factor in production systems.

In ToJson, models/objects/values/etc are encoded directly into a buffer with as close to native C performance as is possible in ruby.

The architectural benefit of a streaming approach is that it paves the way for being able to serve and stream massive result sets to sockets and files using any of the available ruby web frameworks once this feature is made available in Oj.

Avoid templates

ToJson does NOT use a Rails ActionView template approach; instead the DSL is intended to be used directly with a serializer block or within your own serializer classes. This means ToJson supports all of the expressive power of real Ruby classes including modules, inheritence, mixins, delegates etc and DOES NOT need to implement slower and less powerful quasi equivalents in a templating language.

What does this mean?

  • You can easily DRY up your JSON API's
  • You can easily version your API's
  • You can keep your model helpers and formatters nicely namespaced rather than global.
  • You will not lose the expressiveness and ability to compose and structure your serialization code. Its 100% ruby, not templates.

Avoid slow language features

ToJson purposefully does not require Ruby language features like method_missing because it is about 7 times slower than a regular method call for very minor syntactical advantage. Whilst that alone does not account for the majority of the speed of ToJson, every bit helps when you are serializing thosands of objects multiplied by thousands of attributes.

Avoid magic, be explicit, not implicit

To keep the DSL lean and mean, explicitness was favoured over lots of ruby meta programming shenanigans. Being explicit about what model attribute you want encoded in your JSON is consise and allows you to easily and naturally perform any data presentation formatting without a DSL escape clause, and more importantly without muddying up your models with presentation concerns.

Keeping the DSL simpler also made it faster and as a user of ToJson it leads to a better structuring and separation of concerns. It also avoids assuming a 'current model' as some DSL's do which further harms flexibility and composition. Flexibility is especially important where you need to include attributes from related/parent models, or collect and aggregrate model data for presentation in JSON.

ORM agnostic

Being explicit means we are also ORM agnostic. ToJson does not care what ORM you are using, or what class the objects being serialized are.

ToJson Alternatives

Some alternatives to ToJson and primary diferences.

ToJson vs Jbuilder

  • DSL relys on method_missing for JSON attribute names
  • Integrated with Rails framework
  • Fragment caching supported in DSL
  • Slower than ToJson

ToJson vs ActiveModel::Serializers

  • Currently undergoing unstable changes
  • Tied to ActiveModel ORM
  • Tied to Rails
  • Uses Serializer classes
  • Has a serializer generator
  • Tries to be declarative
  • Very limited control over expression of JSON structure
  • Looks up serializers based on the model class. If you care about API versioning you will realize that this is bad and the controller/presenter MUST decide this.
  • Has notion of a 'current model' for the serialization context.
  • Uses 'filters' over temporary hashes to control what attributes and related associations should be serialized.
  • Creates a lot of temporary serializer objects

ToJson vs RABL

  • A complex (insane) syntax that hinders expressing even simple JSON structures.
  • Inteferes with the order of serialized items.
  • Many DSL surprises.
  • Uses template DSL as opposed to real use Ruby modules and classes for composition.
  • Why?

ToJson vs ROAR

  • ROAR extends your model instances and invalidates the Ruby method cache which is a perfomance killer
  • If using ROAR's decorator approach to avoid the extend problem you must use lambdas in the serializer class
  • Tries to be declarative
  • Very limited control over expression of JSON structure
  • ROAR provides bi-directional serialization
  • Explicit support for JSON+HAL, but see ToJson example below

ToJson vs JSONBuilder

  • JSONBuilder is very slow (but not as slow as Jsonify)
  • DSL relys on method_missing for JSON attribute names

ToJson vs Jsonify

  • Jsonify is the slowest JSON serialization option I am aware of
  • DSL relys on method_missing for the JSON attribute names
  • Jsonify uses a builder model as opposed to serializer classes
  • Jsonify supports rails template integration through a companion gem
  • Jsonify provides Tilt based view integration


You are encouraged to verify benchmarks for yourself as follows:

$ cd test/benchmark
$ bundle install
$ ./benchmark.rb

On a Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz (Ivy Bridge):

Serialize 500,000 objects separately:
                               user     system      total         real
ToJson (class) - simple    1.330000   0.000000   1.330000 (  1.324826)
ToJson (class) - parallel  0.000000   0.010000  42.880000 (  5.459818)
(8000000 ops)
ToJson (class) - complex   5.000000   0.000000   5.000000 (  5.012555)
ToJson (block) - simple    5.190000   0.000000   5.190000 (  5.191536)
ToJson (block) - complex   9.390000   0.000000   9.390000 (  9.390543)
Jbuilder - simple          6.180000   0.000000   6.180000 (  6.182140)
Jbuilder - complex        22.600000   2.240000  24.840000 ( 24.861366)

The real time used is the important figure. As can be seen ToJson using a class based serializer is 4.7 times faster than the fastest alternative.

The benchmark invokes to_json each time as would be the case serving separate requests. Invoked this way is worst case vs a single large result, however it is able to serialize 377 thousand address objects per second per CPU, and just under 100 thousand complex objects a second per CPU.

On a multi-core machine running the benchmark in 32 separate ruby processes to_json gives impressive throughput. ToJson is able able to serialize 1.4 million individual address serializations per second on a 4 core Intel laptop (i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz Ivy Bridge). Performance is linear and in real applications disk and network I/O will be the limiting factor.

Old benchmark results for posterity:

JSONBuilder original benchmark (500000 complex objects):
                      user     system      total        real
ToJson (class)    7.950000   2.080000  10.030000 ( 10.045144)
ToJson (block)   14.340000   2.130000  16.470000 ( 16.471651)
Jbuilder         29.180000   2.600000  31.780000 ( 31.790766)
JSONBuilder      56.230000   2.820000  59.050000 ( 59.083252)
jsonify         156.310000   2.700000 159.010000 (159.088787)

TODO. Add benchmarks for ActiveModel::Serializers, ROAR and RABL benchmarks. This will require a different JSON structure which they are all capable of producing.


General Invocation with block

  # args are optional
  ToJson::Serializer.json!(args...) do |args...|
    # DSL goes here, callers methods, helpers, instance variables and constants are all in scope

Invocation from Rails controller, respond_with and block

def index
  @post = Post.all
  # the rails responder will call to_json on the ToJson object
  respond_with ToJson::Serializer.encode! do
    # DSL goes here, contoller methods, helpers, instance variables and
    # constants are all in scope

Invocation from Rails API controller, render with block (better)

def index
  @post = Post.all
  # generate the json and pass it to render for sending to the client
  render json: ToJson::Serializer.json! do
    # DSL goes here, contoller methods, helpers, instance variables and
    # constants are all in scope

Invocation from Rails API controller with custom serializer class (recommended)

def index
  # just pass the collection (instead of the controller) to better support
  # serializing Posts in different contexts and controllers. @foo is evil
  render json: PostsSerializer.json!(Post.all)

JSON Objects

The put method is used to serialize named object values and create arbitrarily nested objects.

All values will be serialized according to Oj processing rules.

Example creating an object with named values:

put :title, @post.title
put :body, @post.body

Example with fields helper

put_fields @post, :title,  :body

Example with fields helper and key mapping.

The DSL accepts array pairs, hashes, arrays containing any mix of array or hash pairs.

The following examples are all equivalent and map 'title' to 'the_tile' and 'created_at' to 'post_date' and leave 'body' as is.

put_fields @post, [:title, :the_title], :body, [:created_at, :post_date]
put_fields @post, [[:title, :the_title], :body, [:created_at, :post_date]]
put_fields @post, {title: :the_title, body: nil, created_at: :post_date}
put_fields @post, [:title, :the_title], :body, {:created_at => :post_date}
put_fields @post, {title: :the_title}, :body, {created_at: :post_date}

Example with fields helper with condition.

There are helpers to serialize object fields conditionally.

put_fields_unless_blank @post, :title: :body
put_fields_unless_nil @post, :title: :body
put_fields_unless :large?, @post, :title: :body
put_fields_if :allowed, @post, :title: :body

Example of serializing a single field

There are single field equivalents of the multiple field helpers. these take an optional mapping key and just like put they accept a block.

put_field @post, :title
put_field @post, :title, :the_title
put_field_unless_blank @post, :title, :the_title
put_field_unless_nil @post, :title, :the_title
put_field_unless :large? @post, :body
put_field_if :allowed? @post, :body

Example creating a nested object

The long way:

put :post do
  put :title, @post.title
  put :body, @post.body

Using field helper:

put :post do put_fields @post, :title :body end

Example of a named object literal

The hash value under 'author' will be serialized directly by Oj.

put :author, {name: 'Fred', email: '[email protected]', age: 27}

Example of an object literal

The hash value will be serialized by Oj.

value {name: 'Fred', email: '[email protected]', age: 27}

Example creating a nested object with argument passed to block

put :latest_post, current_user.posts.order(:created_at: :desc).first do |post|
  put_fields post, :title, :body

JSON Arrays

Arrays provide aggregation in JSON and are created with the array method. Array elements can be created through:

  • literal value(s) passed to array without a block
  • evaluating blocks over the argument passed to array (similar to each_with_index)
  • evaluating a block with no argument

Within the array block, array elements can be created using value, however this is called implicitly for you when using put or array inside the array block.

Example of an array literal

The literal array value will be passed to Oj for serialization.

array ['Fred', '[email protected]', 27]

Example of an array collection

The @posts collection will be passed to Oj for serialization.

array @posts

Example of array with block for custom object serialization

array @posts do |post|
  # calling put/put_* inside an array does an implicit 'value' call
  # placing all named values into a single object
  put_fields post, :title, post.body

Example of array with block and item index for custom object serialization

array @posts do |post, index|
  put_fields post, :title, post.body
  put :position, index

Example collecting post author emails into a single array.

Each post item will be processed and the email addresses of the author serialized.

array @posts do |post| do |email|
    value email.address

Example creating array element values explicitly

The following example will an array containing 3 elements.

array do
  value 'one'
  value 2
  value do
    put label: 'three'

Example creating array with a nested object and nested collection

array do
  value do
    put :total_entries, @posts.total_entries
    put :total_pages, @posts.total_pages
  array @posts do
    put :title, post.title
    put :body, post.body

Example creating a paged collection as per the HAL specification:

put :meta do
  put_fields @posts, :total_entries, :total_pages
put :collection do
  array @posts do |post| put_fields post, :title, :body end
put :_links do
  put :self { put :href, url_for(page: @posts.current_page) }
  put :first { put :href, url_for(page: 1) }
  put :previous { @posts.current_page <= 1 ? nil : put :href, url_for(page: @posts.current_page-1) }
  put :next { current_page_num >= @posts.total_pages ? nil : put :href, url_for(page: @posts.current_page+1) }
  put :last { put :href, url_for(page: @posts.total_pages) }

Example of nested arrays, and dynamic array value generation:

array do
  # this nested array is a single value in the outer array
  array do
    value 'a'
    value 'b'
    value 'b'
  # this nested array is a single value in the outer array
  array (1..3)
    (1..4).each do |count|
      # generate 'count' values in the nested array
      count.times { value "item #{count}" }

Example of defining and using a helper

def fullname(*names)
  names.join(' ')

put :author, fullname(,

Example of class based serialization and composition:

# A Post model serializer, using ::ToJson::Serializer inheritance
class PostSerializer < ::ToJson::Serializer
  include PostSerialization

  # override the serialize method and use the ToJson DSL
  # any arguments passed to encode! or json! are passed into serialize
  def serialize(model)
    put_post_nested model

# A Post collection serializer using include ToJson::Serialize approach
class PostsSerializer
  include PostSerialization

  def serialize(collection)
    put_posts collection

# define a module so we can mixin Post model serialization concerns
anywhere and avoid temporary serializer objects for collection items
module PostSerialization
  include  ::ToJson::Serialize

  # formatting helper
  def fullname(*names)
    names.join(' ')

  def put_post(post)
    put :title, post.title
    put :body, post.body
    put :author, fullname(,
    put :comments,

  def put_post_nested(post)
    put :post do

  def serialize_posts(posts)
    put :meta do
      put :total_entries, posts.total_entries
      put :total_pages, posts.total_pages
    put :collection, posts do |post|
      put_post post



  • Tests and more tests.
  • API Documentation.


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


A performant Ruby JSON Serializer DSL for Oj







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