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Code Review Assignment for Class SE604, 2017. This is an opensource project for Online Library Management System, we updated/added some changes to use in our code review assignment.


After compeleting the assignment, student will:

  1. Gain knowledge about code review process.
  2. Gain knowlege about secure code review.
  3. Gain knowlege about software vulnerabilities and how to detect them.

Required Readings [1 Mark]

You have to read some tutorials before starting in the assignment.

  1. Learn how to build PHP applications PHP Crash Course
  2. Learn coding standards for PHP PHP Coding Standards

Setting Up Your Development Environment [1 Mark]

  1. Download and Setup XAMPP v5.6.14
  2. Download the project or clone it using GIT, you can check this link to know How to clone a repository?
  3. Put the project in C:\xampp\htdocs folder on your machine to run it on localhost according to the Crash Course in the Readings
  4. From XAMPP control panel, click start for Apache
  5. Open http://localhost:{default-port}/SE604-Library_System/
  6. Take a journey in the application(Signup, Login, Search for Book, ... etc.)
  7. Submit some snapshots

Code Review Checklist [6 Marks]

General [1 Mark]

  • The code is easy to understand
  • Follows coding conventions
  • Names are simple and if possible short
  • There are no usages of magic numbers
  • No hard coded constants that could possibly change in the future
  • All variables are in the smallest scope possible
  • There is no commented out code
  • There is no dead code (inaccessible at Runtime)
  • No code that can be replaced with library functions
  • Variables are not accidentally used with null values
  • Variables are immutable where possible
  • Code is not repeated or duplicated
  • There is an else block for every if clause even if it is empty
  • No complex/long boolean expressions
  • No negatively named boolean variables
  • No empty blocks of code
  • Ideal data structures are used
  • Constructors do not accept null/none values
  • Catch clauses are fine grained and catch specific exceptions
  • Exceptions are not eaten if caught, unless explicitly documented otherwise
  • Files/Sockets and other resources are properly closed even when an exception occurs in using them
  • null is not returned from any method
  • == operator and === (and its inverse !==) are not mixed up
  • Floating point numbers are not compared for equality
  • Loops have a set length and correct termination conditions
  • Blocks of code inside loops are as small as possible
  • No methods with boolean parameters
  • Methods return early without compromising code readability
  • Performance is considered
  • Loop iteration and off by one are taken care of

Architecture [1 Mark]

  • Law of Demeter is not violated
  • A class/file should has only a single responsibility
  • Classes, modules, functions, etc. should be open for extension, but closed for modification
  • Objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program
  • Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface.
  • Depend upon Abstractions. Do not depend upon concretions.

Documentation [1 Mark]

  • Comments should indicate WHY rather that WHAT the code is doing
  • All methods are commented in clear language
  • Comments exist and describe rationale or reasons for decisions in code
  • All public methods/interfaces/contracts are commented describing usage
  • All edge cases are described in comments
  • All unusual behaviour or edge case handling is commented

Security [3 Mark]

  • No vulnerable code that can be exploited as SQL Injection
  • No vulnerable code that can be exploited as Cross Site Scripting(XSS)
  • Sensitive Data are encrypted before store it in the Database
  • No use of Hard-coded Credentials
  • No missing Authentication for Critical Function
  • Cookies data are encrypted

Assignment [8 Marks]

The Assignment is divided into 2 tasks, each task is [1 Week]

Task 1 [2 Marks]

1. Read the required readings.

2. Set up the app on your machine.

Task 2 [6 Marks]

1. Review only all .php files in the root directory and /member directory.

2. Your should review each file according to the review checklist to check if there are any parts of the file that violated the review checklist.

3. Write detailed review report.

  • Complete - No information is missing
  • Clear - Every sentence's meaning must be clear
  • Consistent – The writing style and notation is consistent throughout the report

4. Follow the uploaded Review Template on Acadox

5. Your report must has a cover page with University and faculty name, semester and year, your name, course code and name, assignmnet number and date.


Code Review Assignment for Class SE604, 2017






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