PAM Module to authenticate users with common USB devices. It provides a two factor authentication by checking that a registered usb key is plugged into the system. It can be used with any pam-aware service. The PAM Module can be combined with the standard PAM-based password authentication. This PAM module is written mostly for educational purposes. It needs some improvements if it has to be used in production environments.
You need the following packages installed in order to properly build, install and use this module:
- Redhat/CentOS/SLC5-6/CC7 (rpm):
- Required: pam-devel
- Configuration : libconfig-devel
- Usb support : libusbx-devel
gcc -I/usr/include/libusb-1.0/ -o pam_usb.c -lusb-1.0 -lconfig -fPIC -c
In order to use this PAM module you need to configure your PAM setup by adding a line to an appropriate file in /etc/pam.d/
- Per usb auth
- Add encryption key to mbr
- Add sms authentication
- Add TOTP/HOTP authentication through Authy / Google Authenticator
- Yubikey support