Software to communicate with ReprapFirmware and drive a RRD LCD. This project was developed for on an Arduino Mini Pro but should work on most Arduino compatible boards.
- u8g2
- Encoder
- PinChangeInterrupt
Can be changed in Pins.h
Arduino Mini Pro | EXP1 | Signal |
RAW | 10 | +5VDC |
GND | 9 | GND |
13 | 5 | SCLK |
11 | 3 | MOSI |
10 | 4 | CS |
5 | 1 | BEEP |
8 | 2 | ENC_SW |
Arduino Mini Pro | EXP2 | Signal |
2 | 5 | ENC_A |
3 | 3 | ENC_B |
A0 | 8 | RESET_EXT |
Add the following to your config.g file
M575 P1 S0 B57600