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🍻 datafun Downloads

The datafun allows for loading existing datasets or files with different formats and treat them as streaming pipelines. It also allows one to add operations like filter and map in a functional way executed lazily while loading data.


With datafun you can:

  • Load files locally from specific file formats, eg. CSV, JSON etc.
  • Load files from remote sources, eg. a CSV or a JSON from a Google Cloud Storage bucket.
  • Apply streaming transformations on the fly by applying functional operations (filter, map...) to it.
  • Define data transformations to be stored and later used and extended by anyone. This will contribute to an internal hub of common datasets and pipelines used many times.


A datafun Dataset is both a lazy stream of data and lazy sequential pipeline of operations.

  • It is a stream of data: when you iterate over the dataset, one element at a time is generated and returned to the caller.
  • It is a lazy sequential pipeline: every time an element needs to be returned, the pipeline of operations is executed on the current element.

Node types. The DatasetSource class is the first node of the pipeline and is responsible for loading the data from a local or remote storage, then passing it to the next node in the pipeline. DatasetNode objects representing filter or map operations can be added to the pipeline.

Communication. The pipeline communicates in a message-passing fashion. Stream objects are passed between nodes, representing the state of the stream and containing the current element. A stream may be a StartOfStream, EndOfStream, PullStream, or just Stream (when containing data). To give an example of the communication, consider the following pipeline:

TextDataSource -> Map (lambda x: x.lower()) -> Filter (lambda x: "messiah" in x))

and the following stream of data:

"Dune" -> "Dune Messiah" -> "Children of Dune" -> ...

This is what happens when you begin iterating over the stream:

  • StartOfStream triggers TextDataSource, which reads the first element Dune
  • Stream is forwarded to Map, which transforms Dune into dune
  • Stream is forwarded to Filter, the lambda inside fails the check, so a PullStream is sent backward
  • PullStream arrives to Map, which sends it back to TextDataSource
  • TextDataSource reads the PullStream, generates another element, Dune Messiah, then issues a Stream forward.
  • ...
  • This Stream arrives at the end, so messiah it is returned to the caller.
  • ...

Available transformation operations.

name Arguments Description
filter f: Callable[T, bool] Filters elements according to f.
map f: Callable[T, S] Maps every element to another with function f.
flat_map f: Callable[T, Iterable[S]] = lambda x: x A Flat Map takes a list and returns every element, one at a time. The given function f, given element of time T, must return an Iterable of type S. If not provided, f is the identity.
sampling p: float, seed: int Samples elements according to the sampling ratio p: 0. < p <= 1.
unique by: Callable[T, U] = lambda x: x Removes duplicates. by argument specifies a function that extracts the desired information
aggregate init: Callable[[], S]
agg: Callable[[T, S], S]
reduce: Callable[[S], R]
Aggregates stream using function f. Hint: given initial value init of type S for
aggregated stream, maps f to stream (value: T, aggregated: S) where value is an
element of the stream, and aggregated is the current aggregate value.
reduce is applied to the aggregated value, if provided
zip *iterables Zips elements from multiple dataset, like python zip()
join other: Dataset, key: Callable, key_left: Callable, key_right: Callable Joins two datasets based on provided key functions that specify the path in the dictionary. Either specify key for both, or key_left and key_right.
limit n: int Limits the number of elements in the streams to the first n
cache / Caches result of previous nodes into memory. Useful when the pipeline is executed multiple times. Be careful with memory intensive operations.
repeat / Make the dataset infinite. Be careful that this does NOT cache the loading of data. Usa cache() beforehand if needed.

Datasets overloads basic python operations: +, -, *, /.

You can see examples for every operation in the dedicated notebook.

Available info operations.

name Arguments Description
info / Prints dataset description
summary / Prints list of transformations in the pipeline
schema / Prints schema of dataset. Useful for csv, json, jsonl

Available output operations.

name Arguments Return type Description
show n: int str Print first n elements as string
take n: int List[T] Returns the first n elements of the dataset
take_while f: Callable[..., bool] List[T] Returns all elements satisfying f
collect / List[T] Returns a list containing all elements. Also prints progress while collecting.

Available other operations.

name Arguments Description
clone / Deep clone dataset


pip install datafun


import datafun as dfn

Load a raw dataset (local|remote)

ds: Dataset = dfn.load('text', path="path/to/dune_frank_herbert.txt")

for el in ds:
    # do something with el

Load a dataset from iterable data structure

ds = dfn.load(range(N))

ds.take(5) # take first 5 integers
>> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Adding ops to the pipeline, evaluated lazily when generating data

ds = dfn.load('json', path="path/to/file.json")

ds2 = ds.filter(lambda x: x['KEY'] > 10)
ds2 = x: x**2)

print(ds2.summary()) # Shows pipeline ops

for el in ds2:
    # do something with el.
    # This will execute the defined ops one element at a time

Easy streaming transformation of remote dataset!

# Streaming normalize on the fly
ds = (
    .load('gcs-jsonl', path='gs://my_bucket/timeseries.jsonl')
    .map(lambda x: x['value'])
mean = 3.14 # let's assume to have a mean
norm_ds = ds - mean
for value in norm_ds:

You can see examples for every operation in the dedicated notebook.

Available datasets

ID Class Elem. type Description
text TextDataset str Streams the local text file(s) one line at a time. Glob supported
csv CSVDataset dict Streams the local CSV file(s) one row at a time. Glob supported
json JSONDataset dict Streams the local JSON file(s) one at a time. Glob supported
jsonl JSONLinesDataset dict Streams the local JSONLines file(s) one line at a time. Glob supported
gcs GCSDataset str Download files from Google Cloud Storage, then streams paths to be loaded locally. Glob supported
gcs-text GCSTextDataset str As gcs, but also opens the text file(s) and streams one line a time. Glob supported
gcs-csv GCSCSVDataset dict As gcs, but also opens the CSV file(s) and streams one row a time. Glob supported
gcs-json GCSJSONDataset dict As gcs, but also opens the JSON file(s) and streams it one at a time. Glob supported
gcs-jsonl GCSJSONLinesDataset dict As gcs, but also opens the JSONLines file(s) and streams one line at a time. Glob supported
elk ELKDataset dict Connects to ELK instance, runs json query specified in path, then returns the resulting docs one at a time
rest RESTDataset dict Streams the response from a REST API.


Name Type Required Default Description
path Union[List[str]], str] Yes The local path to be loaded
encoding str No 'utf-8' The encoding to be used when opening the file
allowed_extensions Sequence[str] No None The supported extensions (others will be discarded). None means all extensions

Returned element type: str


Name Type Required Default Description
path Union[List[str], str] Yes The local path to be loaded
encoding str No 'utf-8' The encoding to be used when opening the file
allowed_extensions Sequence[str] No ('csv') The supported extensions (others will be discarded). None means all extensions
delimiter str No ',' The column delimiter

Returned element type: dict. Each element represent a row from the CSV(s). The keys are the CSV column names.


Name Type Required Default Description
path Union[List[str], str] Yes The local path to be loaded
encoding str No 'utf-8' The encoding to be used when opening the file
allowed_extensions Sequence[str] No ('json') The supported extensions (others will be discarded). None means all extensions

Returned element type: dict. This dictionary directly maps the JSON file.


Name Type Required Default Description
path Union[List[str], str] Yes The local path to be loaded
encoding str No 'utf-8' The encoding to be used when opening the file
allowed_extensions Sequence[str] No ('json', 'jsonl') The supported extensions (others will be discarded). None means all extensions

Returned element type: dict. This dictionary maps a single JSON line from the file.


Name Type Required Default Description
path Union[List[str], str] Yes The remote path to be loaded
download_path str No '$HOME/.cache/data-engineering' The path where the file(s) will be downloaded
service_account str No None The service account path to use. If missing will use the default user account
project str No None The project id to use. If missing will use the user configured project it

Returned element type: str. Each element represent a local path where to find the file downloaded from GCS.


Name Type Required Default Description
path Union[List[str], str] Yes The remote path to be loaded
download_path str No '$HOME/.cache/data-engineering' The path where the file(s) will be downloaded
service_account str No None The service account path to use. If missing will use the default user account
project str No None The project id to use. If missing will use the user configured project it
encoding str No 'utf-8' The encoding to be used when opening the file

Returned element type: str. Each element represent a line from the remote file.


Name Type Required Default Description
path Union[List[str], str] Yes The remote path to be loaded
download_path str No '$HOME/.cache/data-engineering' The path where the file(s) will be downloaded
service_account str No None The service account path to use. If missing will use the default user account
project str No None The project id to use. If missing will use the user configured project it
encoding str No 'utf-8' The encoding to be used when opening the file
allowed_extensions Sequence[str] No ('csv') The supported extensions (others will be discarded). None means all extensions
delimiter str No ',' The column delimiter

Returned element type: dict. Each element represent a row from the CSV(s). The keys are the CSV column names.


Name Type Required Default Description
path Union[List[str], str] Yes The remote path to be loaded
download_path str No '$HOME/.cache/data-engineering' The path where the file(s) will be downloaded
service_account str No None The service account path to use. If missing will use the default user account
project str No None The project id to use. If missing will use the user configured project it
encoding str No 'utf-8' The encoding to be used when opening the file
allowed_extensions Sequence[str] No ('json') The supported extensions (others will be discarded). None means all extensions

Returned element type: dict. Each element is a dict directly mapping a JSON file.


Name Type Required Default Description
path Union[List[str], str] Yes The remote path to be loaded
download_path str No '$HOME/.cache/data-engineering' The path where the file(s) will be downloaded
service_account str No None The service account path to use. If missing will use the default user account
project str No None The project id to use. If missing will use the user configured project it
encoding str No 'utf-8' The encoding to be used when opening the file
allowed_extensions Sequence[str] No ('json', 'jsonl') The supported extensions (others will be discarded). None means all extensions

Returned element type: dict. Each element is a dict mapping a JSON line from the file(s).


Name Type Required Default Description
path Union[List[str], str] Yes The local path to a query written in JSON
host str Yes Elastic host URL
port str Yes Elastic host port
username str Yes Elastic authentication username
password str Yes Elastic authentication password
index str Yes Elastic index to query
start_isodate str (ISO datetime) Yes Elastic start date range with format: "2021-09-15T10:00:00.000Z"
end_isodate str (ISO datetime) Yes Elastic end date range with format: "2021-09-15T10:00:00.000Z"
date_field str No @timestamp Elastic date field. Can be nested into list, eg. ""
date_field_separator str No . [DEPRECATED] (separator automatically inferred) Separator for date_field used to split the path. Use different ones to NOT split and consider date_field as single field

Returned element type: dict. Each element is a document matching the given query.


Name Type Required Default Description
download_path str No '$HOME/.cache/data-engineering' Where to download data
headers dict No {} Call Headers
auth_headers dict No {} Authentication headers
params Optional[dict] No None URL key value params
method str No 'GET' Call method, 'GET', 'POST'...
next_url_f Callable[[dict], Optional[str]] No lambda x: None Function to extract the next url to call from the json response for paginated APIs. Should return None to mark the end or the URL string

Returned element type: dict representing the json response.

Custom datasets

Method 1. Functional style

def my_load(path, **kwargs):
    ds = (dfn
        .load('json', path=path, **kwargs)
        .filter(lambda x: x['KEY'] > 10)
        .map(lambda x: x**2)
    return ds

Method 2. Extend Dataset

Write classes

class ELKDatasetConfig(dfn.Config):
    # Additional arguments to base class
    host: str
    port: int

class ELKDataset(dfn.DatasetSource):
    def __init__(self, config, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(config=config, **kwargs)
        self.elk_client = elklib(, self.config.port)

    def dataset_name() -> str:
        return 'elk-dataset'

    def info(self) -> dict:
        return {
            'description': 'My ELK dataset class.',
            'author': '[email protected]',
            'date': '2021-09-01',

    def schema(self) -> dict:
        return {
            'column_1': 'int',
        # this method may also load a row and infer it, like CSVDataset does

    def _generate_examples(self) -> Generator:
        for doc in self.elk_client.scroll_function():
            # Apply some prep to the document
            yield doc

Add new dataset to list of supported datasets

  • Add a line to DATASETS in datafun/
    "elk-dataset": ELKDataset,

Use it!

ds = dfn.load('elk-dataset', config={
    'host': 'localhost',
    'port': '8888',


datafun brings the fun back to data pipelines







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