Sprinkles is a low-key vim colorscheme with an adjustable color palette, which allows you to easily match it with your terminal's theme.
Sprinkles with the default light color palette:
Sprinkles with a custom dark color palette:
Sprinkles can be installed in the same way as most other vim plugins and colorscheme. If you don't know how to install vim plugins, I recommend installing sprinkles using pathogen. Once pathogen is set up, just clone this repo into your bundle directory:
git clone https://gitlab.com/ajgrf/sprinkles ~/.vim/bundle/sprinkles
I had tremendous difficulty getting my terminal vim colorscheme to match my GUI colorscheme, even with themes which provided a matching terminal theme. The approach taken by many other colorschemes is to emulate the GUI theme using the terminal's 256-color palette, with the result that my terminal vim did not exactly match my GUI or my terminal theme.
Sprinkles tackles this problem by restricting terminal colors to the user-set colors 0-7. A configuration option is available to set the GUI color palette to match your terminal theme. Sprinkles should look good on any reasonably themed terminal, which specifically means:
- The colors are all easily visible on the default background. Common offenders include the default themes for the linux console and putty.
- The colors roughly correspond to the standard colors on 16-color terminals. For example, color 0 is black, color 1 is red, etc. This includes most terminal themes in the wild, but excludes crazy palettes like solarized or base16.
It shouldn't matter whether you use a light or dark theme. Some color palettes which break these rules may look good by accident.
In addition, sprinkles aims to look a bit less busy than other colorschemes.
You can define a custom color palette for sprinkles to use, with the caveats
described above. Just define the variable g:sprinkles_palette
in your vimrc:
let g:sprinkles_palette = {
\'text': '#c5c5c5',
\'background': '#161616',
\'black': '#161616', 'dark_grey': '#4a4a4a',
\'red': '#a65353', 'bright_red': '#cc6666',
\'green': '#909653', 'bright_green': '#b5bd68',
\'yellow': '#bd9c5a', 'bright_yellow': '#f0c674',
\'blue': '#5f788c', 'bright_blue': '#81a2be',
\'magenta': '#816b87', 'bright_magenta': '#b294bb',
\'cyan': '#668c88', 'bright_cyan': '#8abeb7',
\'white': '#c5c5c5', 'bright_white': '#f7f7f7',
colorscheme sprinkles