A high speed xml to json converter built on libxml2.
Benchmark shows potentially 20 times faster than other popular xml to json packages.
This project is just getting started so test your specific xml format before using.
There is only one method:
Object = xmlsonator.toJson(Buffer);
Considering adding an async method using libuv.
var xsr = require('../build/Release/xmlsonator');
var xml = "<menu id='file' value='File'> \
<popup> \
<menuitem value='New' onclick='CreateNewDoc()' /> \
<menuitem value='Open' onclick='OpenDoc()' /> \
<menuitem value='Close' onclick='CloseDoc()' /> \
</popup> \
var buffer = Buffer(xml, 'utf-8');
var n = 10000;
console.time(n + '-parses');
for(var i = 0; i < n; i++)
var jobj = xsr.toJson(buffer);
console.timeEnd(n + '-parses');
10000-parses: 479ms
{ menu: { id: 'file', value: 'File', popup: { menuitem: [Object] } } }