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What is it?

vk_graffiti_bot is a vk bot for rendering text on a photo, written in c++17 without using specialized libraries for working with the vk api.

How to use?

Send the bot a message with the text you want to draw on the photo and the photo itself. In response, you will receive a processed photo. If the size of the text does not suit you, you can explicitly specify it before the text. For example: "150 my text", where 150 is the size of the text.

How to launch the bot for my group?

To launch a bot in your group, you need to follow a few steps.

  • Сlone the repository to your computer.
git clone
  • Install the necessary libraries. It is necessary for CMake to be able to find libcurl and SFML graphics module. The following is an example using a package manager. on Linux:
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev

on Windows(via vcpkg).

vcpkg install curl
vcpkg install sfml
  • Next, create a build folder and build the project. From the root directory.
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
  • Turn on the messages of the group.
  • Enable the Long Poll API by specifying event types such as: incoming and outgoing messages.
  • Create an access_token and grant it access to group management, group photos and messages.
  • In the file located on the path vk_graffiti_bot/group_data/group_data.json specify your access_token and group_id.
  • Now run your program. The bot is ready!


c++17-based vk bot that renders text on a photo.



