Add custom metrics to Influx/OpenTSDB via remote syslog
Syslog messages must be formatted according to RFC5424
and sent via TCP.
The message of the syslog should have the following format:
Type can be "measure", "sample", or "count"
is a dot delimited description of the metric. The exact name is up to you and does not need to contain the Akkeris app name (that will be added automatically)
Metrics Syslog Collector has one required dependency and one optional - an OpenTSDB compatible server (i.e. influxdb) is required, and a Postgres database is optional (although required for metric limiting)
For basic usage, only the following environment variables are required:
Name | Description | Required |
OPENTSDB_IP | IP address of the OpenTSDB compatible server to send metrics to | Required |
PORT | Network port to listen on | Required |
DEBUG | Set to "true" to print out additional degugging info | Optional |
If you wish to limit the number of unique metrics that apps can submit to Influx, you can use the following environment variables.
NOTE: A Postgres database is required for metric limiting
Name | Description |
ENABLE_UNIQUE_METRIC_LIMIT | Limit how many metrics each app can send to influx |
DATABASE_URL | URL connection string for a Postgres database. Required |
UNIQUE_METRIC_LIMIT | How many metrics should be allowed per app? (default 100) |
LOGSHUTTLE_URL | Set this to "true" to send rejection messages back to the app's logs |
UNIQUE_METRIC_LIMIT_HELP | Specify a link to the docs in the rejection message (optional) |
REJECT_MESSAGE_LIMIT | Limit the number of times we report to the app logs (default 1) (reset on application restart) |
$ docker build -t metrics-syslog-collector .
$ docker run --env-file config.env -p 9000:9000 metrics-syslog-collector
$ source config.env
$ go run main.go
We do not have automated tests for this yet. However, it is possible to see how the app works by doing the following:
(Note: these instructions were created using MacOS)
First, install influxdb:
$ brew install influxdb
Modify the influx configuration file:
$ vi /usr/local/etc/influxdb.conf
Find the [[opentsdb]]
section and make the following changes to enable opentsdb:
489| [[opentsdb]]
490| enabled = true
491| bind-address = ":4242"
492| database = "opentsdb"
Start the influx service:
$ influxd -config /usr/local/etc/influxdb.conf
$ brew install postgresql
$ brew services start postgresql
$ createdb metrics-syslog-collector
Get your environment variables ready and put them in a file (config.env
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://[YOUR USER NAME]@
export DEBUG=true
export PORT=9000
(Note: Be sure to replace [YOUR USER NAME] with your account username)
Now, you can start the application:
$ source config.env
$ go run main.go
There are a few ways to do this, but on MacOS, it's easiest to use Docker. Open up a new shell and start up a Debian image:
$ docker run --rm -it debian /bin/bash
$ logger -n host.docker.internal -P 9000 -t myapp -T "count#test=1"
You should see some chatter on the terminal window with Metrics Syslog Collector.
Now, we can query Influx to see if the data was sent successfully:
$ curl\?db\=opentsdb\&q\=SHOW%20MEASUREMENTS